Yes, that’s my real problem. If you want to be president, be smoother than that. You don’t have to “go high” like the Obamas (although I found it very inspiring most of the time), but don’t give them soundbites for free.
Yes, that’s my real problem. If you want to be president, be smoother than that. You don’t have to “go high” like the Obamas (although I found it very inspiring most of the time), but don’t give them soundbites for free.
I think it’s relevant, because we already have a government run by anti-science, anti-vaxxer conspiracy nuts. On the other hand, I’d be perfectly fine with the media saying, “You are never going to win the nomination and you have no qualifications, so let’s spend 8 minutes talking with a candidate who actually IS…
It’s the same shit with chronic pain. Exercise and it will all go away!
I agree. My mom was a nurse. She spent years refusing to let anyone help take care of my grandmother while she dwindled away from Alzheimer’s. My grandmother passed away around Thanksgiving and my mother said was going to have a life again. Then she had her first stroke in January. She passed after a second…
That made me snort
I’m all for giving credit where credit is due, but I don’t think we should rush to legitimize her because she made a few good talking points. She’s never held an office and she’s skipping all of those steps to go to the highest office in the land. How well has that worked out with Trump? I’m sure she’s a better…
I will never forget the day I picked my baby daughter up from daycare, put her in her car seat, turned to do something else, and walked out. I hadn’t been back at work very long and I was still getting up several times a night to feed her. I was driving down the street before I realized she wasn’t buckled in. I was…
I agree. I don’t blame her for saying they’re “very decent and very smart,” which are pretty generic compliments. It’s not like she said, “They’re the greatest men who ever lived and I’d be proud to have them marry into my family!” She’s holding onto her position at the Supreme Court despite being 86 years old and…
I think the Obamas are wise to stay out of the primary. They need to be able to rally behind whenever wins, which will be hard to do if they picked a primary candidate who didn’t win or came out against a primary candidate who did win.
You make a good point on the one hand, but slave owners didn’t “have sex” with their slaves. They raped them, because the slaves couldn’t say no. I guess somehow the thinking is “Trump admitted to sleeping with a Black woman and allowed her to be seen in public with him, so he can’t be racist” which is racist in and…
Damn, no wonder they were so mouth frothy for Trump.
Yes, I’m a liberal white woman in a liberal city in Kentucky that is shamefully responsible for McConnell and Paul Rand (seriously, we are the worst). I don’t want to hear anybody talking about which candidate will be “electable” to white female voters (spoiler alert: the media will say Biden). Democrats need to get…
Yes, AOC has a Black female challenger now.
Remember the guy that mouthed “bullshit” behind Trump after being hand picked to stand in the crowd behind him?
My worry is what if he wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote again? I think you may see protests moving to riots. Or if we wind up with the courts handing him the election like W.
I sincerely hope her and her family excellent security, because he’s going to continue this until November 2020. If anything happens, it won’t be Trump’s fault, you watch. Democrats will be accused of politicizing a “tragedy.”
Damn, I never realized what a shitty place to work PP is in a lot/some (don’t know the statistics) places.
I live in a blue dot in the Red Sea of Kentucky. I’m incredibly liberal, but it’s going to be hard for her to beat McConnell if she goes too far left. I’m okay with her being moderate. This is why we need Democrats to primary Democrats who don’t work for party goals, but first get McConnell out. Right now I’ll…
Yeah, it seems like a very stand your ground, we like our guns, case.
I know. It’s bs.