Remember to Forget

I wasn’t talking about discourse with them, I was talking about broader discourse about racism and other social issues - which the violence only distracts from, and diminishes good people because of these violent, attention-seeking assholes who want to start fights.

Wow, really?

Full disclosure - I had a finger partially amputated early last month, and spent about a week high on painkillers just trolling the hell out of everyone on here. Made an impassioned defense of the alt-right in the week following Charlottesville just to upset people - you might be the only regular I

Sorry, on this case, I will second @recognitions. ‘Cunt’ and ‘dick’ do not equivalate.

Daddy, tell me the ancient legends of Disqus...

It’s a long way to run, but on season 7 pacing, they’ll be there in a few minutes, tops.

Jon is kind of shitty King of the North. He just surrenders his sovereignity on a whim without consulting with any nobles or family members.

Eat it, Littlefinger!

One way I’ve discovered to quickly find your comments is to click on your account at the top right of a page and select Your profile from the drop down list. Then, on the page that loads, click Discussions. Not perfect, but it gets you there.

Cool, that’s exactly what Ernie said three years ago when people on Gawker complained about how bad Kinja was. Maybe would’ve been nice to implement at least some comment improvements over GMG stuff at launch. I’ve worked on websites and overseen redesigns and there’s no chance we’d release something this drastic with

Yeah, with the Chrome plugin installed, this is not as horrific as I anticipated.

There’s only 88 posts at the time of posting this and two things pop out immediately

I just went to like your comment, but only found a star. I don’t know what to do with that.

I’ve got every adblocker off right now and half my screen is still white for no apparent reason.

OK! Maybe this will be doable.

I agree - was the goal to severely limit the amount of content we can see without scrolling?

Run away!

“The A.V. Club started following you”

First feedback on the home page:

Merging my Disqus and Kinja accounts doesn’t work. Also, the site is ugly and soulless, like Gawker. I’m pretty sad about this whole thing. :(

I’m not waiting for permission... I say its time for our commenters to crack each others’ heads open and feast on the goo inside.