Remember to Forget

Alaska has to wait four months to watch the premier.

I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again: Much like Stannis burning Shireen, Dany burninating Kings Landing makes thematic sense since one of the series’ major themes is that questing for the Iron Throne, no matter your reasons for doing so, is inherently corruptible and the only way to win The Game of Thrones is not

The biggest antagonist through the series was the Iron Throne, and it got the best death.

I don’t think Drogon “went nuts”.  He melted the Iron Throne intentionally, knowing that it was Daenerys’ desire for it that ultimately killed her.

Dany growing beyond the throne would be far, far more out of character than her biking King’s Landing.

Really stupid.

I don’t think Jaime’s arc was ever that he was going to go from a shit head to a hero.  It was always these fits and starts of him doing something heroic and then him back sliding.  Cersei was always his #1 and I totally bought that in the end he’d go back to her.  Sometimes, even with good intentions, people don’t

I get the feeling that was the plan, and the rushed nature of the last season made it feel more disjointed and unexpected than it should have.

I was a bit confused by that, and I think it kind of highlights a point someone made earlier.

I’m not disappointed with the outcomes of this season, I’m disappointed by the story-telling leading up to said outcomes.

I find it difficult to reconcile the people who praised Martin for subverting so many of the tropes of genre fiction with the people complaining “they undid Jaime’s arc.” If you want neat and tidy character arcs that fit traditional concepts like “redemption,” there are plenty of stories that will deliver that.

I think there’s room for Arya to consider what’s next for her after bagging the ultimate kill. I could even see the Hound being the one to show Arya the perils of letting revenge consume you. Of course, none of that narrative work actually happened on screen.

I don’t think she *was* ensuring it - hence Jon’s ‘Fall back!’ moment 

Um, I thought the symbolism was actually pretty obvious around the White Walkers-global warming conclusion:

And the salsa...*shudders*

No. There’s just a TON of sleazy managers in the restaurant biz.

See also: wage theft, other health code violations

If this health code violation is hard for you to believe...

Well, you got the bunch of preppies part right. 

Ah well, good news for the Lamb People.

Yeah as crazy as that battle was, the way this all played out means that everyone spent eight seasons screaming about “Ice zombies!” and then it turns out the Army of the Dead was completely annihilated in a matter of hours because they have a pretty glaring Independence Day level weakness. The Great War was only one

Uuuugh. So we’re STILL not getting that Driveshaft movie???