Remember to Forget

It wasn’t just Facebook; the Russian interference in the election tested a wide-array of tactics to influence the election. Don’t make the mistake of thinking of it in isolation; while it is fine to analyze its particular role alone it must always be contextualized as part of a much broader effort (and ‘test’). Russia

I spent a lot of my time growing up with my grandmother, who passed away five years ago and was the kindest soul I’ve ever known. From as early as I can remember, she would take me to the movies once a week (and out hiking at least twice a week!) until I was about 15. Over the years my memories of these weekly outings

After the death of the once massive AVClub community, it’s sad but unsurprising to see your reviewers phoning it in. In the past the AVClub never would have offered a season review based on only 2 episodes when all 10 are available.

I saw that this also received high scores on other sites... However, when it ended, me and my husband looked at each other with that look that asks “what the hell was that?” - thought it was the worst episode in quite some time. Definitely much worse than the season premier that got a C+ on here...

It’s a cold, barren place. Inane comments without the bite. No one has even bothered to complain that the review read like a recap more than a review, let alone other fun things that I’m too tired to write. The Kinja has made the AV Club weak and impotent.

Well, it’s certainly a far more nuanced, less blatant, well-controlled, restrained version of the person it may or may not be reminding us of.

It isn’t necessarily for everyone, but if you have enjoyed the first 3 episodes it only gets better. Such a mind-bending, brilliant, incredibly well-acted and - crucially - also very original show. Of course, this is a show by Noah Hawley who is already well known for 3 twisted, supernatural/scifi infused critically

I believe in qualified professionals holding office. Being a qualified, professional candidate for US Senator - the highest office in the legislative branch - means being a politician, preferably one who has experience in elected office. It means being well-educated and having well-thought out policy positions. It

Exactly. While I haven’t yet seen The Guest (though I hear it’s terrific and it is on my ‘to watch sometime’ list), the differences between his liberal-aristocratic character on Downton compared to his role on Legion are countless - I didn’t even recognize him at first and even afterwards, it was hard to believe that

Well, given that Paulson’s character is both (1) suffering from extremely severe anxiety disorders and (2) a lesbian I’d say that your critique is wanting.

Most robbed comedy, at least. I will continue to repeat my factual opinion that Legion was the most robbed drama of the year.

Yes, like GoT, the past season of Orphan Black won’t be eligible until next year’s ceremony.

Agreed. Malek’s performance was undoubtedly strong - but not as strong as in the first season (indeed, I found his character increasingly grating as the second season went on - a problem I did not have with season one). Not sure he deserved a nomination this year.

I actually feel that Dan Stevens deserves a nod more than anyone else on the show - for best actor in a drama in his case. Aubrey Plaza should have been nominated for best supporting-actress in a drama, though she can’t compete with the top nominees in that category right now. Legion, itself, should have at least been

Many good nominations, some very surprising snubs. For me, Seth Meyers not being nominated for Variety Show - but Kimmel, Corden and Maher being nominated, was both surprising and uncalled for. Corden is fun, I suppose, but although he entertains well his show is far weaker than the other nominees. Kimmel is funny,

And that response pretty much sums up everything we dislike about this.

A.V. Club - Not Permanently Cromulent  

You don’t really have any place judging the community that really helped define the AV Club for more than a decade. It was a vibrant, very unique and friendly; intelligent, dark and deeply funny satiric conversations - back-and-forths which were incredibly amusing - and plenty of really serious conversations. It was a

I didn’t hate it, but it was a particularly weak premier.

I’m willing to give it time. There were some promising hints that this could quickly devolve into a far more terrifying situation for all involved rather quickly - and it could be even more unsettling in the wake of Charlotesville.