All trump supporters are racist fucking scum. There are no moderate Republicans. There is no moderate GOP. They are the party of trump. They are racists. Fuck every one of them forever.
All trump supporters are racist fucking scum. There are no moderate Republicans. There is no moderate GOP. They are the party of trump. They are racists. Fuck every one of them forever.
The fact that you keep confusing “safety” with “comfort” is kind of alarming, and really detracts from your shaky, hyperbolic argument.
I also find this idea that cis women are hysterical (and “snowflakes” or even TERFS) really problematic. This shit is so complex. Why are we pretending it’s not?
I wonder if these people realize how much they sound like mras.
What complete and utter bullshit. A penis isn’t just a body part. Men have been using them as weapons against us for thousands of fucking years. Women have every right to feel unsafe and uncomfortable around them, especially in a setting like jail or prison.
So let’s have totally mixed prison populations should we? Because there are zero reasons to have them if it’s going to go on gender lines rather than sex.
So rape survivor are special snowflakes are we? The comments on this article are Peak Jezebel.
What a surprise, women having to move out of their own spaces that were granted FOR A REASON, because people with penises demand it is so. Of course that always works to everyone’s best interests!
Ooh a whole 30 mins Google search, well done you. You might be interested in these stats then...
I can see both sides here and while I sympathise for transwomen in this situation, it is being caused by the behaviour of natal men being violent and aggressive towards them, yet the solution is that vulnerable natal women are expected to shut up and move over despite feeling uncomfortable sharing facilities with…
See these pieces from Alexandra Billings and Dawn Ennis: and
And I won’t be watching the new season of Arrested Development.
Why the hell is he on the new season of arrested? I love that show, but seriously won’t be watching the new season. Get with the program netflix.
Yeah, based on that commenter’s history, he really sounds like he would be a fair and reasonable person when it comes to allegations of sexual harassment and really just sexism as a whole.
The sad thing is a seven-person domestic shooting would barely be a blip on the national radar here in the U.S.; more of a “local” news story.
I believe the technical term is ‘two tacos short of the combo plate’ but who knows in the modern medical parlance nowadays.
Turbo or laissez faire capitalism is hot garbage. State Capitalism (the model used by Canada, most of Europe, and a number of other countries), is a combination of some state owned/controlled industries, a social safety net, and a regulatory system. The US has been moving towards Turbo capitalism since the 1980s and…
This country is backasswards because our own rural pockets have an outsized advantage in the electoral college and over-representation in both houses of congress.
I see video of the refugee caravan at the border, and it seems that they have smartphones. I am still using a primitive flip phone. *I* am the one who’s having trouble assimilating into modern society, not them.
“But they’re also not people that would easily assimilate into the United States, into our modern society. They’re overwhelmingly rural people. In the places they come from, fourth-, fifth-, sixth-grade educations are kind of the norm.”