Wow, read into things much?
Wow, read into things much?
Wow, read into things much?
Wow, read into things much?
I agree, they are great. The small, easily broken, but not easily replaceable parts kill it for me (aside from the other issues mentioned). I can't tell you how often I see people wheeling their 4 wheeled bags along, hit a crack, and break a wheel off. Getting on and off moving walkways, broken wheel. Drop off a curb,…
I agree, they are great. The small, easily broken, but not easily replaceable parts kill it for me (aside from the…
4 wheels are for people who don’t travel much. Those wheels break off, take up extra room, and collect snow and gunk when rolled outside. They are neat and convenient, but when they fail they do so spectacularly.
4 wheels are for people who don’t travel much. Those wheels break off, take up extra room, and collect snow and gunk…
Airline pilot here. Most of us have the same bag for a reason, Luggage Works Stealth 22". Largest bag that qualifies as a carry on for airlines, very roomy, and will not let you down. Wheels are inline skate wheels that are easily replaced and do not fail without warning, metal frame, simple metal retractable handle,…
Airline pilot here. Most of us have the same bag for a reason, Luggage Works Stealth 22". Largest bag that qualifies…
Sounds like a great way to solve the problem of owning a cat.
I don’t see any downside, my local dealers are offering great deals on those cars. I own a 2014 TDI Sportwagen, and it’s been reliable, comfortable, and great fun to drive. Fold the seats down and it fits a huge amount of stuff in it. The TSI engine has been around for a while (same basic engine as in my 09 GTI), and…
Wow. Never seen those before. Incredible. Perhaps it would allow drivers to see out of their Camaros.
He asked his pony car to gallop away. It replied “Neigh”.
I think your second option along with a 4/48 bumper to bumper, and 10/100 transferable power train is the way to success for VW. If the cars are priced slightly higher than the competition, that is fine, as long as people see the value in what they are paying for. The Jetta is the outlier in their lineup, the rest…
As I collect my favorites from the 90s, I agree with you. However, I’d add the ones that come out when your first kid is born and you are instantly too poor/need 4 doors to buy the cars you lust after.
Agreed. That screen is horrible. Why would it not be integrated? It looks like it’s bolted on there with a mount from Amazon.
Well done.
$22k a year, every year? Seems hard to believe. Even people who take their cars to a dealer aren't spending that much. 2k a year, sure. Heck, even $8k a year seems excessive but doable.
Can't be. He is wearing a shirt.
Only if the previous owner was Jon Voight.
Coolest wife ever.
This isn’t Riyadh. They’re not going to chop your arm off.
Why can’t Lincoln design an attractive grille? Seriously, I really like the look of Lincolns, right up to there. They’ve had multiple designs in the last few years, from Baleen Whale, to Giant Moustache, now this. I don't know what to call it, Elephant Kia, maybe?