As much as I’d love a booster, the World Health Organization has specifically asked first world countries to forgo boosters until the rest of the world has access to first doses.
As much as I’d love a booster, the World Health Organization has specifically asked first world countries to forgo boosters until the rest of the world has access to first doses.
This. Very few people are like “OMG, I want a car in greyscale”, but very few people are also like “I would never buy a car in greyscale”
Also, the woman in the flowered dress is wearing a bra. You can see it through the fabric.
Conservatives: Socialism in America! Won’t somebody please think of the children?!
Agree with sentiment (and the acknowledgement that the article is perfectly fine.) I’m not criticizing the article or the advice. But in practice it can sound like a too-common refrain:
“So, what’s the treatment for stress? Reducing it, Muskin advises, through measures likeexercise, meditation, and mindfulness, as well as reducing the source of the stress”
If it looks bad on the model it will not look good on us normal people
Sorry, no. Denim skirts are forever and always Dork Level Hopeless.
I think one of the many, many reasons this has been allowed to continue so long is that Britney’s “brand”—developed for her and foisted upon her when she was a teenager—is that of a shiny, happy child. Her sexuality was our society’s degrading version of Lolita—an underaged female person being layered and lacquered…
They are not betrothed, they are married.
I find it so fascinating that so many articles about childfree women / the decision not to have children are completely devoid of discussions around men. The vast majority of the time, having a kid is a two-person decision and process. Where are all the articles about men who “decided” not to have children? Where’s…
It seems less like they asked ‘The Queen’ and more that they asked Granny if she would be okay with them naming the baby after her. The palace flunkies seem to think that they should have asked The Queen, instead of a grandson asking his grandmother.
That . . . . seems like an awful lot of work.
And in many cases they still are functional options. Spanx and whatnot are sad, sausage casing attempts to modernize foundation garments.
The masks that prevent HIV go on your dick, numbnuts.
Why? Because there was a medical breakthrough in the form of antiretroviral medication. HIV is not airborne, so not sure why you think masks or social distancing would be required to stop its spread.
Snakes on a Plane. I will not elaborate.
Arranging books by colour is book arranging for people who do not read!
Yes. It’s because of the worldwide markets, particularly China. And before someone comes at me, China does have very strict rules about portrayals of homosexuality and gender nonconformity in film.
Yes, Farewell My Concubine is a Chinese film but it was promptly banned by the Chinese government and only begrudgingly…