Euryale the Grey

Is this closure? Is this story now more sad or less sad? Was there some insane chance she would somehow turn up ok?

Copying my own comment somewhere else: Asian girl from a Buddhist family chiming in to say that this IS a bad idea, because it (a) is offensive to many in the West and (b) makes my religion into a cute accessory.

Oh please, oh please...

Thanks to Gary Larson, I will forever write CAT FUD on my shopping lists...

I definitely related to the first part of this. For the past few years I’ve been trying to find the root cause of my lifelong singledom, and I can’t help but wonder if all the negative messages I received about dating as a kid from my parents have anything to do with it. I remember being in middle school and my mom

Things like this just add to the argument that what we need to do is break the link between employment and health insurance - that is, that your health insurance should not be tied to your place of employment, and that your employer should not get to have a say in how your health insurance dollars are spent.

This is adorable and I just got entirely too teary for a short film with stop motion dinosaur toys <3.

I’m not sure that aspirational women’s media is necessary to begin with, at least not in their current iteration that is largely still beholden to promoting and propagating capitalism and the idea that we need to buy things or look a certain way to be happy and fulfilled.

Now playing

For my fellow olds, the 20th century presents Who’s Next:

We all saw the video. Those 2 cops shoved that man to the ground for no reason but to hurt him. Their 57 buddies resigning because those 2 shitheads were caught proves those 57 cops are also pieces of shit.

Floyd tested positive for COVID 19... and Officer Chauvin was in VERY close proximity for over eight minutes.

I was thinking of “The First” from Buffy.

Oh God.

The real victim is 100% George Floyd.

Perfect time for this!

His supporters are already saying, “No no no no, he was OBVIOUSLY saying that looting LEADS to looters shooting people. hE WAs CaLLiNg FoR aN EnD tO ViOleNce...” Completely ignoring the Walter Headley connection.

“Okay, the Minneapolis PD have lost control of the situation, send in the state patrol to help quiet things down.”

I live about two blocks from that Target (which is... just a Target), and while everyone’s focusing on the Target and Aldi, nobody’s talking about all the Somali and Latinx businesses that also got destroyed, or the low income medical clinic, the subsidized housing, etc.

Something that I’ve heard about the Covid protests that has stuck with me, is that for many americans these corporate shops *are* their socialization. The act of wandering isles with other people to buy the latest brand name dohickey in a monetary transaction between them and the store is what a lot of people feel as

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.