Misogyny. I’m on the Team Liz train, and I really don’t get why people fawn over Bernie. Pete has shown himself to be Biden in a skin suit, and Biden is a dinosaur that has managed to outrun the meteor.
Misogyny. I’m on the Team Liz train, and I really don’t get why people fawn over Bernie. Pete has shown himself to be Biden in a skin suit, and Biden is a dinosaur that has managed to outrun the meteor.
The “men just can’t help themselves” argument is such bullshit.
Mid-century modern is the style of corporate boardrooms at/as home. After two generations fought for weekends and paid leave, modern work never ends. The home is not separate from workplace, but an extension of it. Sad. Unhealthy. Pitiful.
I see this style everywhere and it’s stark, uncomfortable, and impossible to…
The implication of “my country” and “fighting for” are clear to me. Normally when you say something like “fight for my country” you are speaking of an external enemy, but in this case we know that by “my country” they mean “my white privilege” because that’s really all that is threatened by giving equal treatment to…
Anyone else over here grumpily waiting for superhero media to run its course? Sorry not sorry.
You sit there in Washington so frightened of the big, bad Republican machine you have no idea what people are thinking. I’m telling you right now, Tom DeLay is going to lose in his district. If Democrats in Washington haven’t got enough sense to OWN the issue of political reform, I give up on them entirely.
Calls for a throwback:
“Obria, you may recall, is a “holistic” family planning network that purports to offer reproductive health care “choice” to anti-abortion patients.”
there was an article about why are so many east asian films like parasite centered around rage...I think it’s a reaction formation like what you observe in Sweden, but to being so buttoned down (to be really simplistic about it). Sweden found that being happy doesn’t make you happy, Korea knows that being polite…
“For a child, it’s a whole different matter,” Jones said to the Post and Courier, raising the phantom of kids “being pressured or bullied in any kind of circumstance to have their gender reassigned.”
I love this kid! She makes adults so angry and it doesn’t make it any sense to me but it’s funny to watch them come up with dumb reasons to hate her.
Fair take is a fair take. The central problem with Klobuchar isn’t inherently feminist or non-feminist, though it has deeply feminist implications.
Lewis Capaldi, son of Dr. Who.
I volunteer as a clinic escort in my city and there are about 4 different groups of us now who have decided to start leafletting outside CPCs, particularly during the “40 Days of Life” campaigns (which I feel like are non-stop, all the time). We’re trying to turn the tables on the antis, except we use facts, respect…
Worse, it replicates a dynamic commonly found in abusive relationships.
Well... Actually, let me preface this by saying I’ve never really liked the guy, however, after his botched suicide attempt, his decision not to have anything to do with the life of his daughter might have been a choice made from that experience, as well as the crushing malady that is depression.
Yeah. I mean, we can and should tip well, and to the extent you can you should understand the realities of the places you’re patronizing and adjust accordingly. But a root problem with tipping culture is that it pits customers (almost all of whom will be labor themselves) against employees, while absolving management…
We need a Craig Ferguson type to interview people on the red carpet.
The impromptu red carpet interview was created by Joan Rivers, who had vast knowledge of the celebrities she encountered and her unique laser sharp comedic skill to make even the most banal interview fun. But Joan also had a lifelong sense of fashion and style; remember, she coined the phrase, “who are you wearing?” -…
I’m sorry but the answer isn’t always “tip bigger”. All these “disruptive” businesses are premised on the same pyramid-scheme concept; use buckets of VC money to undercut an existing service or business and then gradually and incrementally screw everyone who uses or works for the service to build up a false impression…