Euryale the Grey

Yeah. I mean, isn’t best practice to put it on before you leave the house and not touch it again until you’re back home and have washed your hands? They’re really not that much of a pain

Because... if she didn’t have a job she wouldn’t ever leave the White House and therefore wouldn’t need her own security detail? She’s gonna have one of those no matter what she does.

When I bought my own place, it had white walls with white trim. I had quite enough of that nonsense in my rental days! Putting up wallpaper was my first big home improvement project and it’s awesome. Give me color! Give me pattern! I want my place to look alive and like it’s mine, not like some sterile nondescript Air

I’m not trying to backtrack on anything. Getting rid of the police is the goal. That is the goal.

The problem with saying “Defund the police” is that people who aren’t very politically aware hear “stop enforcing laws and let criminals do whatever they want” because they don’t perceive the police as an oppressive force. Joe Schmoe and activists don’t have a shared understanding of what “the police” as an institution

That Gritty meme, I love it.

Oh, gosh, let him! There’s no way his health holds well enough to let him be a serious candidate in another 4 years. let him take the spotlight away from any other republicans in the meantime. That primary would be a bloodbath and as soon as the nominee is anyone else, all the Trumpies won’t be bothered to show up at

Saaame... After he pawned the ring I couldn’t watch him make one more terrible decision and had to turn it off.

Had this on my first car back in the 90s. It was great for all the reasons you mentioned. Saved me from a couple of lockouts. If I had to return a movie to blockbuster and it was -20, fuck it, leaving the heat running. I don’t think I’d trade it for my current proximity key that I never have to take out of my pocket,

Considering what his genepool is working with, he didn’t come out so bad on the chin front

I wonder too how much of this sudden realization about “tone” is due to Fox News editing vs. unvarnished Trump. I’ve been hearing people online say that they’ve managed to convert former Trumpist family members with no more than YouTube videos of Trump rallies that aren’t generally aired in their entirety and it

Yes! Dear god, just let me sort by “new”

As a Minnesotan, I regret to agree entirely

Wait, dude’s name is frickin’ Daystar (which is awesome) and he chooses to go by Tory? There’s your first sign that this is someone who makes bad choices.

It’s straight extortion. Nice country you got there, would be a shame if people started starving to death.

Right? Like, there’s nothing wrong with female as an adjective, just don’t use it as a noun. Conversely, woman is a noun and its super annoying that people keep using it as an adjective because they don’t understand why it’s insulting to call ‘a woman ‘a female. (its insulting because there’s no noun there and

Wait, is that Kombucha Girl? I hope not. Don’t want that gif tainted...

It’s not from last November, though, is it? The word on Twitter is that he was at Walter Reed again the other day before his RNC speech. That’s what’s even more of a tell. Nobody was even talking about that visit before he went and denied it.

I mean... one of the 3 people I know who’ve died of it was over 90 and had cancer. The other two were in their 20s. But go off. The thing with this disease is that you have no idea if you’ll be able to brush it off or if it will kill you until you have it, at which point it’s too late to make a different choice. And,

Yeah, I think this take misses the value of casual social ties. Like, maybe you don’t really want to go to that friend of a friend’s birthday, but maybe you go and have one drink and maybe you have a better time than you thought or you meet someone who could become a closer friend...