What the fuck is with you steroid people? How is that the conclusion you come to with all of this? Did I miss a Daniel Norris steroid scandal somewhere?
What the fuck is with you steroid people? How is that the conclusion you come to with all of this? Did I miss a Daniel Norris steroid scandal somewhere?
I realize paranoia is your natural state, but Abstergo isn't behind everything.
Barnwell and Mays always worked better for me as writers than podcasters, which is totally fine. Barnwell in particular is absolutely terrific. I know he has his detractors, but I always look forward to his thoughtful, cogent breakdowns on the NFL. He’s largely the only reason I ever visit Grantland anymore.
Came here to nominate this so you get a rec instead.
Came here to nominate this so you get a rec instead.
I'm in tears!
You’re right! How inconsiderate of her to attend a game and not expect to be pelted with beer cans! People these days, amirite? Smdh.
I was hoping someone from the Tati Defense Force would jump in. Thank you!
This is some serious get off my lawn talk. You must have some bad juju going on. I haven’t had a single one of these problems with my launch day model.
So much this. I haven't been to an NFL game in nearly a decade now and it was always an awful experience. Just roaming gangs of numbskulls in matching outfits looking for someone to pick on and get into it with.
This is good, elaborate work! Well done.
Excellent shade. I approve.
Works on so many levels!
To be fair, the kid was screaming “WITNESS ME!” and jumping on the hood of their car.
+1 bear arms