
Hermione Granger and the Half-Blood Penis

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce

My favorite line of the show.

Oh, Erin…
I was positively floored by Erin describing what she was singing in her head: "One of those pop songs that those teenagers listen to."

I love Fargo Rock City…
But this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. The only CK book that *could* work as a movie is "Killing Yourself to Live," but it would probably be terrible as well.

If the heist at the center of Jean-Pierre Melville's "Le Cercle Rouge" doesn't make the list of 15 movies with great dialogue-free scenes, then I'm calling shenanigans!

No Objection Here
I think the reviewer is spot on here. I'm still in the midst of AJAA but I just don't feel quite as engaged with this one as the previous games featuring Phoenix Wright. For starters, Apollo Justice just isn't all that likable; he's actually pretty annoying. Same with Trucy. Admittedly, Maya from the