That movie is cool
That movie is cool
Did Dowd review Bull at Cannes? It would seem to be the Rob Morgan vehicle this review is hoping for, though on an indie scale.
I hope everyone shouts out “Z!!!” every time George Wendt appears.
He’s so great in Enchanted.
I’d love to have seen him get a last crack at a Cyclops-centric film, since he was good in the role, and the character, when not in Logan’s shadow, has some interesting facets.
I really want to give James Marsden a big hug, because with the exception of Westworld, he’s made some truly baffling career decisions for an actor who’s always so likeable.
Seriously, what is Lil Nas X
What with the impeachment trial of thoroughly impeached Donald Trump continuing on Thursday, the time seemed fully…
John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch is one of those unclassifiable, delightful projects that makes you almost…
“You guys gotta kill Stark, man; I’m sick and tired of playing this guy year after year. I’m done with the dopey costumes and talking to a guy covered in ping-pong balls who’s eventually going to be eight feet tall and covered in fur! My career’s gotta move on! Hang on, my agent’s hour and a half…
Loved him in Zodiac. “Hey ‘Bullitt’! You gonna catch this fuckin’ guy or what?!”
Downey’s position as a Giant Movie Star is odd at this point, because it’s about 95% based on having played Tony Stark, 4% Sherlock Holmes, and 1% the vague memories of his career before that. He’s a brilliant actor (when he’s not doing bizarre shit like Dr. Dolittle) but is he really a leading man type? I think we’d…