Per your recent article, shouldn’t we consider Skully vaporware until they actually produce a commercialized offering?
Per your recent article, shouldn’t we consider Skully vaporware until they actually produce a commercialized offering?
Johnny Carmax: yo, what’s up?
Do you watch MotoGP, the world’s top form of motorcycle racing? If the answer’s no, let me tell you why this coming…
What do you want to bet that a “feminine hygiene product dispenser” came up in a product planning meeting, probably by some douchebag.
*punk kid* hey mister, is your refrigerator running?
My fridge has like 75hp now.
That Mallett looks really Hammered... sorry, had to.
Honestly, I'd leave those last really destroyed cars destroyed. They've not become almost priceless. Historic even. Just give the owners a new Z06 or something as repayment. Or a new Corvette every year for life maybe?
But if you are prone to saying things like, "hold my beer and watch this..." the death kart wins hands down. Nobody ever won a Darwin award in a Volvo.
You left off the "Jet Engine" criteria.