I wonder how liberals a city elites will react, if racial, sexual and economic inequality actually improves under Trump?
Not that it will, or even likely, but as a thought exercise; how will they hand wave such an outcome as being down to them.
I wonder how liberals a city elites will react, if racial, sexual and economic inequality actually improves under Trump?
Not that it will, or even likely, but as a thought exercise; how will they hand wave such an outcome as being down to them.
And yet, Socialists and Progressive left wingers, talk of Marx and Communism as if it is the solution to our problems and a viable alternative to Capitalism, but forget the 100 million innocent people it killed since the end of WW2.
And this article fails completely when it does not even begin to address the rampant…
I’m glad for this, while progressives are attacking this, my “ISIS The Barbarians” board game can be slipped out onto the market free of public attack.
The Sexualised women will show an ankle, and must roll a defence every time they go outside a protected building... if they fail, they get lashed, or get buried in…
Try being in Europe.... it won’t be white people you’ll fear; and if you think the governments will protect you, think again. Being Jewish does not protect you from the left here; you are a privileged minority to them.
Seems to me, it’s not the disrespect to him that matters, but to the other 50% of the American people who used their democratic choice to vote him in.
If Liberals act like this, then the whole #lovetrumpshate business will fail because you’ll look like hypocrites.
The majority of his voters as the media has been panic…
I’d just like to see less of the “Fascist” bandied about; left wingers are starting more and more to to adopt the tactics of that particular term; so don’t act like because you call yourself “progressive” it makes you some moral arbiter.
Remember, the Marxism that most on the left adore so much ( No platforming,…
In the UK, you have the electoral roll... you register with the local council/authority if they don’t have your current details.... if they do, you get a voting card in the post 2 weeks before vote day automatically... this tells you date of vote, and where the closest polling station is; most people don’t need to go…
Also amusing is that only British people will be able to read what you wrote, and hear a westcountry accent in their heads.
In Europe this would be a serious breach of privacy and data protection; that company would be sued into bankruptcy if they did that here. . . even if Trumps didn’t take action, most EU states would take action on their behalf.
America is lucky it doesn’t have such progressive laws.