
I enjoyed it altho I did feel that Monty Python did a better job if subtler job of illustrating that it takes a high degree of moronity to get about the joint claiming yer a messiah. Not that it matters since the types who need to deduce that are far too close-minded to ever apply a dash of rationality to their

Weaver only appears to be a great actor because she is surrounded by so much mediocrity from Defenders stars. Sure the clunky dialog doesn't help especially when every contretemps between the Defenders and the Hand is preceded by unnecessary exposition posing as needless debates about ways and means, but a good actor

Finished it and it was less of a chore than the last few helpings of netflix-marvel fiesta of f**kwittery has been.
The episode trim makes it better but there are still far too many instances of everyone standing around talking trying to deliver exposition about things even a half brain such as myself sussed 20 minutes

Interesting I know nothing of leaks - barely know anyone in Hollywood any longer, but I dropped in to AV to say I'll offer 5 to 2 Bronn has karked it and given GoT is what it is, even money we don't find that out for another week.

Really pleased I held out for Hi Def n didn't go for blocky Indian whatever it was. Also down with how the battle went, I dunno or care that much if Jamie gets drowned by the weight of his armor & I doubt Danni will die since she's got a lot more plot to carry - unless of course two bereft dragons fly home and Jon

Bran's not wrong when he tells his sister he's still learning how to be the three eyed raven, I doubt that old Max von Sydow would have used his intimate knowledge of the occasion of Sansa's rape to demonstrate his ability to know everything that has happened.
It was however a great way to demonstrate for all his

No resolution? No watchee then - there is hardly a town in the western world in the 21st century where the most vulnerable haven't been slaughtered for all sorts of arcane motivations and impoverished women are at the bottom of the heap when it comes to vulnerability.
If people do care about this and aren't just

Well shit I'm not american or Nicaraguan or Iranian and I had no trouble following the geopolitics of the story.
Maybe they only teach about 1776 in history in the US eh?
I dunno I wish I was surprised that a college educated american would know so little of their own country's history as not to know the raping and

Frank didn't get killed & that was intentional. I guess Ms Bordello owner has decided if Frank won't roll over and give up his source, she can flush the source out this way, since Frank is gonna hafta give his source a story about what happened, they will certainly drop by to see her, whereupon she can plead

I watched ep 1 because inevitably some reviewer had compared this show to "The Wire" when AFAIK the only commonality between the two shows is coke; that make work in a dingbat's hollywood pitch but there is no real connection between the two shows on any other level.
That doesn't mean Snowfall isn't worth watching - it

I wonder if the ratings are better than netflix know. I have a netflix account but generally only watch sit coms and low def vid via my netflix account.
I find the netflix player too inflexible so I prefer to grab a Hi Def version of shows that feature good vid thru 'other channels' and then run the show on VLC player.

That has to be the worst acted pilot of the year. The reviewer picked on the confused kid for poor acting but the entire Copeland family is a mish mash of baseless exhortations delivered free of emotion as well as any discernible character motivation.
Why does Copeland male remain with Copeland female since she has

Got about 10 minutes into the first episode this season.
I'll own that entertainment wasn't helped by not having watched beyond ep 6 last season, but it seems to me this thing is becoming an order of magnitude worse with each new season.
That p….s me because it really undermines season 1 which was powerful and a helluva

Yep I've been holding my tongue through the last 5 or 6 of these recaps because I was so disappointed at the lack of resolution of so many threads but apart from not wishing to be a spoiler was interested to see if others shared my frustration disappointment.
Life is too short and there are simply too many tv dramas

How many times does it have to be said before this reviewer shakes out his/her subjective preconceptions and pays attention to the show? For the nth time, Detective Mun is not the young bloke Sun got horizontal with after the national titles.
He fought her as a kid but they never hooked up the bloke she laid was an

I guess I woulda been about 12 when carol burnett show launched and I found it lame lame lame. The skits/sketches whatever were predictable, timing seemed way off and it felt about as real as 3 dollar bill. Not that Lucille Ball was any better, by then her shows were cliches and her voice had degenerated into a

When Philip played the Kimmy's dad tape right before alla the talk about blood everywhere I was sure I heard Dad say something like "Tell her I'm not going - I can't go to every little party." that in reference to dad celebrating his daughter's 17th birthday. Apart from occasional visits from a Russian pedo Kimmy's

You shouldn't kill your totem no matter how hungry you get - you protect your totem and your totem protects you. Mine is the green ant and that was a literal pain in the ass. Green ants do a similar job to bees with pollination but they are quite prone to bite soft flesh. I am also told they taste sweet cos they

This show has really deteriorated into trashy lowest common denominator stuff where the crimes being investigated are purely a vehicle for the lame soap that crowds every scene.
Out here in the real world there are plenty of law enforcement staff committing serious breaches everyday yet Elementary just like a kazillion

Well I thought that as it is about that time of the season when the show needs to build momentum, that either Gabriel would try to whack Philip and fail his orders from Moscow Center, leaving Gabriel in a crumpled heap leaking from a fatal head wound or Philip would have orders to whack Gabriel but that went awry