Eure! ka

Colbert's weekly difference = +.13

I've never watched a minute of any of them, so no, no I do not hate Sharknado.

Syracuse Universities' communications programs is called the Newhouse school, which led me to basketball and the most recent champ, 'Nova.

There once was a man named Jay(S),
Who wrote a recap weekdays,
When summer came by,
His readers said “Ay!”,
"We’re stuck for six weeks with replays!"

What They Were Probably Promoting on Carson (30 Mar 1977):

What They Were Probably Promoting on Carson (06 Nov 1982):

< Insert witty comment about the delayed posting time here >

What They Were Probably Promoting on Carson (08 Nov 1983):

What They Were Probably Promoting on Carson (13 Jan 1989):

I preface this by saying I am certainly not saying anything remotely original, but after viewing the identical fervor by the supplicant masses at both the DNC and the RNC, for a growing majority, politics truly is the new religion of America. Sadly, the division would seem to be most fittingly likened to the age-old

In lieu of any sort of salient point about the episode, I am compelled by the ghost of Rick Moranis (What! He’s not dead?):

I gots to go, so I'm just going to drop this here:

Big Brother would get much higher ratings if there was a little porn mixed in.

#4 the versatile Kevin Spacey was good great in The Usual Suspects and on House of Cards in L.A. Confidential.

That was a good old fashioned ass kicking, although Pranjal did blow a pretty easy DD. Has he never watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?


If you are pasting your comment, press SHIFT + CTRL + V. It should clean up the line breaks.

What They Were Probably Promoting on Carson (19 Jun 1985):

It will be hard selling the throwbacks to the public if they're not on Sale.

Colbert viewers must have really hated his new glasses.