
I’ve done my share of domestic and international flights—both economy and business—on mostly American and Asian airlines. Domestic airlines in the U.S. have absolutely the worst customer service across the board. Continental and Delta are probably the best among the four (plus United and American), but that’s not

That’s such a lazy joke, if we can even call it that. I’m in camp If You’re Gonna Be Offensive, At Least Make A Joke That Isn’t Also More Than 100 Years Old. My camp also needs a better name.

How soon before he and JonTron are running Breitbart’s Gaming section?

You’re absolutely correct, Hamilton, journalists are not heroes. Everybody knows that it is the copy editors who are the true heroes.

Yeah, Ive played every main entry as well, barring 11 and 14 as theyre MMOs, which I dont play. 13 was a fantastic story with solid gameplay, 15 was a chopped up mess with uneven pacing and tons of technical issues. Towering achievement? Youve set the bar real low.

My reaction to this is a big, fat MEH. FFXV was so underwhelming. Such wasted potential. What they should have done is focus on getting it right the first time by giving us a camera that worked properly, combat that didnt feel all over the place, a meaningful, well developed story with proper character development, a

I posted this above, but I think it needs reiterating. He should take a break from his girlfriend and agree to meet up for coffee a year later. She will either figure out who she is and what she wants really fast because she didn’t expect him to walk away or they can have a discussion in the future and see where they

I could maybe do a threesome, but she’s afraid she would get jealous, and I get that if I’m present in any capacity it could present problems for her exploration of herself.

Yep. You strip gender and sexuality from the discussion and it’s one partner wanting to sleep around while not being okay with the other doing so.

If your girlfriend wants to explore sex with other women, shouldn’t you also get to explore sex with other women?

What’s good for the goose...

Basically, the answer is be poly or be monogamous, but don’t do anything one-sided.

I may get some flak for this (especially because I suspect I won’t word this as carefully as I should), but:

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.