
FWIW this also helped me. I get where people are coming from when they say this sounds like new age advice but yeah....

The food triggers may vary by person and include additional one, but eliminating grains and sugar goes a long way for a lot of things. The sun is likely a stand in for vitamin D. People who live in northern climates, and people with darker skin in general are usually deficient to severely deficient in vitamin D. While

Even better if you check out his Youtube page he normally does a “how it is made” video, where he talks about all the production stuff of these short films.

Also fantastic range.

You mention a bunch of really good ones.

The Game absolutely needs to be on here. If only because of Ashley Judd.

The Offspring or, as I like to call it, "The Federations Continual Hate-on For Data".

I really like Timescape, not sure why it was left off of the OP...

The Chase should have been a season break double episode at least but it generally just gets ignored. I've never understood that.

Who Watches the Watchers is probably my favorite episode - I’m surprised it was left off the OP, in favor of so many Lwaxana Troi and holodeck episodes!

I really hope they fix Deloris’s “destroy all humans” attitude. I dont mind a brutal killer as a villain, but the show narratively expects us to at least partially empathize with her, and i cant do that if her endgame is “all humans should die”. Destroy the foundations of our society and start anew with the survivors

So this is what Netflix is going to do now, instead of creating new shows? Spend all their money on old TV shows that nobody watches anymore? If so, Disney is going to bulldoze them out of the market. 

500 million? They really have jumped the shark. If this isn't a sign of their demise, I don't know what is.

Counterpoint: Neither show is worth watching. Seinfeld hasn’t aged well, either and is (if possible) even more obnoxious since it first debuted.

I’ll give you that Star Trek: The Motion Picture is long and breezily paced, but I respectfully disagree with most of your other points James.

I’m sure glad we have megacorps that are able to withstand years of losses in a new market to entice consumers with artificially low prices, until their competitors are driven out, at which point they can jack up prices. Real normal economy we have here.

The corporate side of youtube is a disgusting behemoth. If any of that stuff is monetized, then that right there is draining YT of more money than any skittish advertiser.

I think humans will out-breed our ability to feed ourselves long before colonies outside our biosphere become independently viable.

It’d be depressing if the rate of acceleration is increasing over time. That would push a “Big Rip” universe end scenario closer to our own time.