Eugene McAvoy

You are talking to a more accomplished troll than the ones you believe shaped our election.

Wow that is one steamy pic.  

China steals trillions in IP from America. Pakistan had a spy working as the Democrats’ IT guy in congress. Hillary Clinton sold 20% of America’s uranium to Russia.

You Trump-Russia conspiracy theorists are so awesome.

Any day now Mueller is gonna save us.  Any day now.  


Wrong.  Stay in your lane, ragazzo. 

Stephen Colbert did the same exact goddamned thing and I stopped watching him because of it.  Stop weaponizing homosexuality!  Why do we always shoot ourselves in the foot like this?  The LGBTQIA+ crowd is a huge vote getter for us and pieces like this really hurt.

No, it’s not.  Stop trying to weaponize homosex.  

Yawn.  The deportations will continue until morale improves. 

No idea who Tomatoface is.

Today is Prime Day.  Bezos is literally giving us money. 

The greatest trick Putin ever pulled was convincing America that Trump was his only political asset in the 2016 election.

Bernie Sanders should hang for delivering Trump.   Putin’s fingerprints are all over his decision to run as a Democrat.  Bernie isn’t and never was a Democrat.  He’s an independent. 

Nobody needs a knife like this.  That’s a military knife.

Right.  The government has no right to separate immigrant children from their parents and that it does shows exactly how far we’ve fallen in just a single year under Trump. 

Parent-child relationships are always toxic as a result of implied ownership of the child by the parent.  The family unit itself is toxic and should be dismantled. 

How is this happening?

Should have had Bernie up there too for the “Who F*cked Up 2016" reunion.

Sorry but political campaigners should not be jailed unless they’re Trump supporters.