
This is the point when a person’s demographic become secondary to their personality disorder. Milo is clearly a malignant narcissist and I suspect an actual psychopath. The fact that he’s a walking contradiction means nothing to him because all that matters to him is attention.

“I haven’t have not drunk tap water since 2005.”

Despite what Mommy, movies and video games told you, you aren’t the sole protagonist of a heroic tale; you’re often the antagonist, or an unremarkable side note.

Despite what Mommy, movies and video games told you, you aren’t the sole protagonist of a heroic tale; you’re often the antagonist, or an unremarkable side note.

I know, right? When he was all up in his “Bisexuals don’t exist” I was like, “Honey, my threesome last night says otherwise.”

Gay whites are still White gays. Women who are white, still White women. Oppressed a little, and in need of victimhood, they start pretending that they victims of the system too, and dismiss the idea that black LGBTQ people, Black women, are the ones REALLY hurting. Dan Savage, Yiannopolous, Clinton, whoever. They’re

And my question is...does Milo’s target demographic even read??? Seems that the knuckle-draggers who would be interested in his idiotic ramblings wouldn’t be able to tear themselves away from their torches long enough to even buy it.

Well, it’s obvious what they expected it. For this garbage, mediocre-as-fuck white guy, who has never said anything compelling, to actually say something worthwhile and poignant.

Bill Maher also loves to invite on his show Dan Savage - the racist gay activist/columnist/personality who thinks black folks are the reason LGBQT haven’t achieved equality, as though black folks have ever dictated federal and state policies on their own.

It’s serial killer talk for sure.

The best part of Maher’s show was Malcolm Nance and Larry Willmore telling Milo to fuck off directly and unequivocally.

“White people will never stop giving white people the benefit of the doubt, even when they show exactly why you should doubt them.”

Ivers has edited a whole bunch of books from conservative authors, which was why he got this project. That even he couldn’t stomach it should tell you something.

Also, The Root should make shirts and shower curtains and all manner of merchandise (with profits going to PoC creatives in need of funding) of this note:

I’m stuck on “what the fuck did they expect”?

The editor comments are hilarious, but this excerpt just... I don’t even know what to say amidst my laughter:

The fact that anyone even takes him serious enough to give him a book deal is supreme White privilege

I tried reading the edited manuscript because I was curious as to whether or not the editor was clearly assigned a task he didn’t want, but I gave up on page 18 when Milo cited his own article on Breitbart as a source. In those first pages it almost appeared to me like Ivers agreed with Milo and was trying to

All I can add is: !!!!!

He’s an aging white gay male club kid that parrots libertarian talking points blended with misogyny, self aggrandizement and a whole bunch of Pootchy-Edgelordiness.