
Well she's still got Under the dome.

Yeah it probably is a bit more Thick of It with the civil service and that. I haven't seen The New Statesman in years but I can't imagine it aged as well as Yes Minister. Its an awful lot of Rick Mayall being a really Rick Mayally rotter.

The Thin Blue Line, his musicals, his recent stand up. He really has lost it. Such a shame, when I was a kid I used to have his stand up tapes in walkman on repeat.

Yes Minister is pretty good.

Maybe they've confused him with Ross O'Carroll Kelly

Just a lot of big handbags.

Well its needs some cases involved. Otherwise it'll turn into Sherlock season 3 and that would be horrible.

Her video above makes her looks much funnier than any of the current players.

I certainly hope the first 2 episodes aren't self indulgent, repetitive, contrived and lacking anything close to a decent plot.

Yeah it seems more the blogger lady that got a bit snotty here.

I really liked this years format. So much more interesting to read than "Here's 40-31, come back tomorrow for 30-21".

This is in no way a surprise. Todd especially has been raving about Enlightened all year. Just because it wasn't popular doesn't mean it wasn't great.

Is this the trailer for the new Wes Anderson movie?

There was a similar article here a few months ago and the comments section has a great list of essential episodes from series one so people could skip the more procedural episodes and focus on the long term story. Well worth looking up if you want to get back into it.

We did similar on our last day of secondary.

I really didn't think Gillian Andersons character or pretty much any of her story were all that interesting in the Fall. Dornans character and performance were what made the show noteworthy. All the PSNI/PIRA stuff seemed absolutely pointless too. Good show though, its best moments were really terrifying.

There are a lot of ads about it on at the moment without a set date. I'm guessing we'll get it early in the new year.

Spaniards are white people too.

This should be back on the home page again.

A heart of stone, rind so tough its crazy, thats why they call me the Avacado, Baby.