
@MrFluffyThing: I can think of some fun artwork that Sam could get on top of.

I really wish that worked. There would be something oddly satisfying about 10-15 bomb squad cleanup guys looking around trying to find the clit.

@killakoopa: On my nexus one (stock) Crono trigger was VERY VERY playable. Probably 98% speed, but music playback was great. Played through that and FFT on my nexus. Dont feel like Neige is a troll. Also killakoopa... Your tab is running version 2.2 of android and up-scaling the image for the screen size. 2.2 was one word... Emulators.

@Mark 2000: I live in the west coast too. Im 26 years old. Are you so much younger than me that you see a different group of kids? I have NEVER seen teenagers or "dumb kids" aligning themselves with terrorists. Maybe as a way to get reactions jokes may happen, but c'mon lets not be such sensitive conservatives. It

@sunspot72: Well played Sunspot... well played.

@LucasReis: I think its late enough now for you to be off work. Quit keeping us in suspense.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: And on top of that... Us americans who have to work with nokia's can see just how terrible they are.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: After a few misswipes or bad passwords it should prompt you to login using your gmail username and password. If you did not setup your android phone with the google account, you probably have metro PCS, 3 teeth, and deserve to just die. Some phones with sense UI will require you to have to hard

Lookout will handle the remote wipe as well. Just deactivate the antivirus feature. That feature is for idiots and foolish old women. I personally use wavesecure and think it is the best. I used to know of a couple of android apps that would apply the password locks to specific applications only. Does anyone know what

@anexanhume: This is just what I expect a droid X or Evo user to say. Just because you are happy with +4 inches doesn't mean it's attractive or even healthy.

@IceMetalPunk: Well none of those religions say anything about 2012... You gotta get crazier. Mix your religions around a bit, add a shot of destroyed mayan culture, eat your old Y2k stash of mushrooms, and get ready for aPartyclipse.

@CarcharoDon Carcharias: A very reasonable...Reason for not rooting your phone is simply keeping it in warranty. Feel no shame brother.

@salt_bagel: I hate the self checkout... then again I usually have alchohol and need a cashier anyways. Produce is a bitch too!

@Nick: actually thats the nice thing about the speed of light... shoot where they are. Now.

@Seventhexile Speaks: Not to sound like a Teabagger... but have you ever heard of civil disobedience? America was built on it. Look at the Boston Teaparty as an analogue.

@Mr_Quackers: Yet it still heats up any room it is in. Big time. Great in the winter. Summer on the other hand...