
@thnikkamax: That is kinda the point though... without the fear of not being elected changes wont be made... ahh democracy.

@Batmanuel: Absolutely. there is quite a difference when you use CDMA in a big city like New York.

@reuthermonkey: You are correct in your EDGE statement. EDGE can not be used at the same time as voice. Only the 3g data can do that, t-mo att or otherwise. It is rather basic cell phone knowledge I feel.

@napilopez: I feel like you have to use your free star power wisely Mario. Just make sure the person who takes your star eventually isn't Jesus. That would be awkward all around.

@bjmckenna: Yeah lets let the corporations handle it. They have humanities best interests at heart. Give them NASA, give them healthcare. Everyone "knows" that the free market works perfect. Ignore those market crashes and countless ethics violations. Trust people who want to make money. Get real with it bjmckenna.

@Timmy: The upcoming nexus might be the right choice.

Well im stuck with anticipation for the next page on number 8... Did Edison find ghosts or not?

@BeerManMike: a Batgun? c'mon that doesnt make sense. Now a Gunbat, that would make more sense.

@Stem_Sell: You are one punny bastard aintcha?

@olugbam: If that is the case... Fuck airline security because the terrorists can just bomb a sports stadium or maybe the god damn line going up TO the security and kill more people. C'mon at least TRY to think things through.

@NorthernRoamer: Im hoping that Plato was not smart enough to envision a world with mass communication. I think there is hope/a necessity for humans to end war. I hope this happens in my life time and we can prove Plato wrong... 2000+ years is too long to let his comment stay.

@coldturkey: Have you tried a lot of cocaine? It makes lots of stuff cool. Trust me.

@pdubs1087: Or like the apple announcement that we will never forget forever for the rest of our lives until we die and then even then we will remember because it is the biggest best day ever in our lives?

the types of devices that can stream that media (iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches) and the places to which that media can be streamed (Apple TVs and compatible third-party hardware, in addition to AirPort Expresseses).

@DanKrouse: BTW, looked at my post and I realize I came off kinda "dickish" didn't mean to be and sorry!

@olugbam: I certainly would have to disagree with you on the motives of the terrorists. It was a very well thought out plot, and Osama bin Laden is very smart. If taking out the greatest monument was their goal, dont you think it would have had a more significant cultural impact to hit the Statue of Liberty? Or maybe

@Celtic1888: I tend to dress like a drug dealer when I fly(sunglasses, long hair, nice suit, and too young to be doing legitimate business). I do this so my good clothes dont get all wrinkled in my luggage. Needless to say I tend to get screened.

@theubersmurf: They need a TSA porno spoof. All will be good in the world after that... until we get caught illegally downloading it.