
@Tiller: Go for simple... some compressed air spray is certainly the easiest way to clean out the computer. Check out some guides online, I wont link the google page, but you get the idea.

@isthatspam: With a lathered up belly and "300" style abs painted on. That would be epic.

@gurfinki: but... PS3 doesnt have Halo!

@kitsuneconundrum: Yeah I was thinking car batteries on a cart rolling behind an invisible dude.

@BeHarsh: Gosh dude... over the line. You just mixed your Back to the Future in the Star Trek... gross! You can get Star Trek in the Back to the Future and thats ok... but the other way around. SICK!

@Chernobyl: We got us a Daywalker here!

@qrius: Wait... Low crime in japan? Perfect place to rob!

@truthtellah: Time for some people to get glasses. I can read it just fine (:

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I was seriously considering building my computer INTO my desk. Its glass top with metal frame.. Could mount most components straight to the metal and some like optical drive epoxied underneath the glass with brackets. Could be cool stuff. I love this guys setup.

@RaindropBebop: I have a similar MOBO... with red ram, and a greenish videocard. It looks all mismatched and crappy inside. Gets the job done just fine. Solid black box ftw.

@RanCiD: So... Should we have banned guns in afghanistan or iraq?

@tomservo77: Requiring locks or gun safes would actually save lives. It would keep the guns out of the hands of criminals (think about someone breaking into the house and NOT being able to steal all of those guns) and out of the hands of children (think columbine or all of the other senseless accidents).

@Diode: Well duh! Mr. Torbens point was that he is giving stupid statistics that are unreliable. So... his point was... That... yeah... fukkit.

@DarenTx: +1 because im not starred to just promote.

@vinod1978: Im a fan of disagreeing with vinod. I find myself doing that probably about 90% of the time. This time I have the great pleasure of agreeing with you.

@salt_bagel: Fact is... we pay for it. When someone goes into the hospital ER having a heart attack (or brain injury from not wearing seatbelt) I, a seatbelt wearing non fatty, has to pay for it. Personal responsibility is important, but so is social responsibility. Screw our current health care system!

@Matat: That is SOOO hot. Don't leave me alone with her if you value the fuses on that sucker.

@cbstryker: I have gone through that as well... once with my thumb like you and once with the 5th (ouside, pinky side) metacarpal. The thumb was ok pulling it out... the metacarpal was terrible. Left me a sweaty shaky mess. About 40 minutes before they took the pins out I made sure to chew up 3 10mg percosets to cut

@truthtellah: You just took the grossness out of this picture. Now I want to see someone with a real raccoon tail growing.