
@mike563: I never buy physical products anymore... Could have bought starcraft in box, but preferred the digital download. It just feels more permanent once I have it in my gmail...

@TheAlmeida: Wow, I have been on this site too much... When you wrote "inumerous shortcomings" I immediately went with iNumerous in my head.

Much thanks for this. Awesome video, loved it and shared with many.

@mrisinger: Especially in regards to coke. I know people who do ecstasy regularly but think coke is the devil.

@Thangka: A unique cloth woven from golden silk of over 1 million golden orb female spiders is on exhibit in the American Museum of Natural History.

am I the only one not afraid of spiders? I think that one even looks cool. Not like the wolf spiders we get here in the pac. norwest.

@NyQuil012: I made weed spaghetti... just put it in with the olive oil and garlic at the beginning. YUM YUM!

@CougarAries: Tony Romas, ex-supervisor here. Half of the products that they sold were bag steamed!

@Chewbenator: People also call anyone who does anything on android a "hacker". Kinda annoys me. You didn't hack your phone! You used some off the shelf rooting software!

@Calrekabooki: How dare you hurt these sensitive peoples feelings! They were just minding their own business before you came in here and stomped all over their day!

@♥♦ Goopplesoft ♣♠: I like the idea of the click screen, but not the implementation. I am all for multiple input sources. I want the click screen, I want a back touchpad, I want a squeeze sensor, and I want them to have specific purposes only. Replacing long press or supplementing it would be more agreeable than

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: True that... plus carriers LOVE to sell BB's. You need a smartphone data plan but barely use any data with it because your online experience is such a joke! We will see carriers selling cheap/free BB's for a long long time.

@TomXP411: That is ridiculous! If they don't eviscerate a chicken it really is not science!

@alex73191: Yeah that is a pretty good movie lineup. I think he can pretty much have a free pass.

@Cow: That boy suffered from a condition that we all know to be serious in space. Alien pussyblind. It can and will happen to the best of us. I remember the first time I saw the alien queen in Aliens... whew, that was HOT!

@Agagulba: Your immature and inane opinions.