
I insist on calling him (with affection) Chanum Taters. That you describe him as a delightful human potato totally validates me. Thank you.

As one who has lived in the Artic Circle- The Darkness really does get to you.

Or wait for Big Trash Day* in your local fancy neighborhood and snag a free quality comfy loveseat** like we did so you can enjoy lounging on it with 98% confidence it’s clean and has no bedbugs and the added perk of mostly not getting upset when your asshole frat-boy cats immediately set to destroying it.

Holy sh*t. I’ve accepted that it seems that no matter how hard I’ve fought against it, my aesthetic has inevitably been evolving towards looking like a sentient drapery at grandma’s house that wears off-brand crocs. THIS IS THE LOOK I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR MY WHOLE LIFE

Now playing

Still stops my heart. Bless you, Australia

Now playing

Sounds like the opening to Björk’s Wanderlust AND Like Someone in Love. 2 little 2 late, MJ


I hate to say it, but Elizabeth Warren might not be as secure as you think. Some are saying her reelection numbers are low, and it’s rumored Curt Schilling, noted dickweed and republican (along with Tom Brady and Bill Belichick) is thinking of throwing his hat in the ring. Curt is a god in New England, despite boning

A woman I spoke to told me the woman who lavishly embroidered her sign said it was born out of a desire to stab something 3000 times. I love.

His body language is so awkward and revealing and his insecurity is so bizarrely obvious. I believe after a while the ceaseless scrutiny is going to reveal how deeply uncomfortable and tone deaf and self-centered he is, even in a contained and scripted environment.

Fuck that feels accurate

He has the look of a man who’s finally accepted that he’s no longer sexually appealing to the demographic he’d like to be sexually appealing to, and that he’s resigned to the fact that it’s beyond his control

Yeah, I’ve arrived at the same conclusion with my dad. Took me 35 years to learn it. Like, he’s a good enough guy to outward appearances, not cognitively impaired or anything, he’s just a lifelong secret asshole who passive-aggressively and petulantly controlled and manipulated everyone around him. It’s bizarre

Wow. That’s amazing. That’s like, sitcom level absurdity. I’m sorry, that must be so frustrating.

I really love this one on many levels

Because regardless of how much you value his actual life (for the record I don’t at all but I’m strongly against the death penalty) we are now in a critical stage in our society where we are fighting a perception war for the morality of this country. Remember these words?: We’re fighting for hearts and minds.

I wholeheartedly agree with you and I’m 100% pro-choice, but I was just struck by a thought while reading this comment, that if I were pro-birth (and deluded about climate science and the societal stress of unwanted babies), this could resonate as a sincere-but-misguided-about-reality anti-choice argument.

I was going to say, I’m a lifelong swing dancer and I move a lot like him too! But what I’ve learned is that if I commit wholeheartedly and joyfully to my physicality and the way I move, there’s a point at which some people seem to move past my awkward, mediocre movements and embrace, even come love my weird style-

Don’t. Don’t think about it. Button it up. Pin it down. Keep it in. But above all, never admit we might be wrong —> Christian faith in a nutshell