To paraphrase MetaFilter’s snowclone about Polyamory Club: The first rule of Vegan Club is always talk about Vegan Club
To paraphrase MetaFilter’s snowclone about Polyamory Club: The first rule of Vegan Club is always talk about Vegan Club
So wait. Can we explore? Is Sorsha like, a dumb, drunkard’s pronunciation of Saoirse? I have question.
Very white. So white.
I tried that entire line (a rep gave out samples). The butternut squash one was ok, but on the whole the concept was lackluster and off-putting. Like, I think many would agree with me in saying that we often treat yogurt like the dessert portion of a meal. Not exclusively, but I think that’s where many of us are at?…
Saying this makes me think I’m sick in the head, but Father’s Day is coming up and I’m kind of into this for dad. Can’t decide if I should do American meatloaf style or a Puerto Rican pastelón take. Either way, I know he’ll love it. So.....thank you for the inspiration? I die 🔪😲 🍽
Isn’t Dusty Springfield the OG blue-eyed soul singer? (Side question, what is with those honey-voiced Brits though?)
Sometimes, I throw nickels into the oven, and it’s music! It’s all music!
Has this been shared before? It is. Mesmerizing.
I can assure you, medieval bread was most certainly not anywhere as nutritious or edible as that loaf you pictured. If, as a poor person, you were lucky enough to have any bread at all, it was likely to be wormy, moldy, rock-hard, and with a high probability that it included chalk or dirt added to stretch out the…
I don’t think this is a new phenomenon- I would ask this professor to stop and truly listen to herself and her older colleagues. I graduated from an all-women’s college in 2003 and that’s where I picked up “I feel” language from my professors and peers. I welcomed this expression into my speech, and my understanding…
I get this, and I know I’m in the minority, but I am sick sick sick of the creep of blandification of America - every house built in the last ten years is only acceptable to the buying public if it is 1) buttercream yellow 2) gray 3) beige 4) greige 5) white 6) occasionally federal blue or mustard yellow 7) brick or…
The property brothers are shape-shifting alien robots attempting to replicate human behavior. They are aggressively unsettling:
That is a 100% great use for a mattock
That’s funny, that admonition reminds me of cautions my Colombian grandmother actually told me that 1) butter and 2) orange pulp, would kill me. Straight up kill me. Not in a long term way like, build up of cholesterol or I dunno, fiber congestion? But immediately, suddenly, acutely, kill me. To death. I’d believe in…
One thing a person said to me after my mother died that I found helped was “you’re a good daughter”, because in a way it was both supportive of me but also a compliment to my mom, like they were saying she was proud of me from afar. It helped me feel mom’s love and presence when I was still reeling from the loss of my…
Does this mean of the generations standing (Greatest gen doesn’t count anymore, they’re 100) Gen Xers are the best? Well if you insist, I’ll take it!
A friend of mine worked for a local zoo and often had people try to bring them injured animals. One time some folks brought in a regular little box turtle they’d found on the side of the road- not injured or anything, just hanging out roadside as they sometimes do- and said they’d rescued it and brought it to the zoo…