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You are my favorite person. Are you familiar with the Birds of Britain???

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Apart from the stoner beauty movies like Baraka and Samsara and The Fall, I enjoy a heaping dish of science with my smoke, from the Robotic Pancake Picker:

As a godmother/friend to many folks with kids, I’ve come up with some ideas for quality of life gifts with minimal clutter, like family memberships to local children’s, cultural or science museums, a DVD of My Neighbor Totoro, and for the older kiddos, stickers and magazine subscriptions to Ranger Rick or Highlights

I love to hear about the weird snacks people ate when they were kids!

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I had really wanted to find the clip where he sings the Coke song as Billie Holiday but this was the best I could do. (Happy 100, Billie!)

I have mixed feelings about the show, but did watch the whole season.

I just wanted to say I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Your daughter was so lucky to have a kind, compassionate, smart, and loving mother, and I hope I'm not overstepping or overly sentimental, but she's your angel now and she is with you always.

Oy, thank you for that Jenna Marbles. It was just what I needed

Noah. There's always a Noah.

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So much to look forward to, So. Much. Bittersweet. History! I'm actually feeling anticipatory hollow heart pain like I'm going through a breakup. Goodbye, friend.

I like you

-Whale (Norway - Taste and texture like the worst aspects of fish and liver. Gross)

Thanks!! I'm so proud of that story, and only now do I realize how lucky I was to have such an amazing friendship at that age!

Ooh ooh! My best Tori story time!

This looks about as good as my homemade skirt project from sixth grade. Pair it with a coveted Mariel perfume from H2O Plus and a shocking wedge haircut wildly unsuited to my hair texture and dang, you like what you see now, Tyler???

This knockoff-yet-prestige brand at my middle school had a "cherry cola" flavor that was the taste motif of my seventh grade year.

It's like she's attempting a doge meme but doesn't quite have a handle on the subject matter or the linguistics. Such coconut. Very water. Wow.

Thanks for the support, guys. My mom was a strong-minded lady, to put it mildly, and we butted heads a lot, but that's probably because I'm a practical, stubborn, opinionated woman just like her.

I am an only child. My mother passed away recently. We had a difficult relationship, but I would give anything to have her ruin my wedding dress shopping.

Please, where did you find, please?