A wise man once said that there are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong. So obviously this universe can’t stop until we see a movie where all of them fight each other. Also Mothra.
A wise man once said that there are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong. So obviously this universe can’t stop until we see a movie where all of them fight each other. Also Mothra.
Yeah that and harassing people. But from what I’ve see, Kaiju fans know that the movies are silly and have a sense of humor about themselves, unlike Snyder fans.
Why not any obnoxious whining? “Yeah, they said no pay raise, but I went Snyder Cut on them and they fired me instead.”
“Snyder Cut Tactic” sounds like a kind way to describe “Endless Fanatic Whining” but if it works it works.
The Dark Knight is no more responsible for crap like the Snyderverse (come at me) than Star Wars is for the glut of tiresome imitator space movies from the 1980s, or Nirvana is for the entirety of late 90s rock. Innovators are not responsible for imitators.
All Cats Are Bastards
Timesaver Pro Tip: Wear shirts in those same patterns.
Consider it a fair warning, now you don’t risk being unexpectedly exposed to Logan Paul
At this point, saying “Fan reaction to The Last Jedi was negative” is kind of like saying “fan reaction to Vader being Luke’s father was negative.” That’s technically true; some fans WERE negative about that. But they were a small minority who were dwarfed by the massive box office returns and positive critical…
I gotta get out of these comments and seek Jesus. Or at least a blunt.
Choosing to write a story about Rogen’s clarification isn’t the same thing as picking out a specific anecdote from a larger profile of him.
Culture War bullshit is all they have, and white people are for it.
Who wants to hear about this...at a wedding?
You looking for the Beverly Cleary thread?
Uh huh. And is that why you’ve made the choice to speak like a caveperson or is that its own thing, Oog?
Dear Mr. Henshaw, that’s it! That’s the book I’ve been trying to remember for decades! When I was a kid I had an epistolary novel in the voice of a boy whose writing got better through the book as he got older. I distinctly remember the first chapter containing “I lick it” meaning “I like it.”
104 is a hell of a run. She was still apparently still cranking out books at 83, and that was 22 years ago. Her first book was published the same year as Asimov’s and The Lion The Witch and Wardrobe, which feel like they came from two or three literary eras ago. RIP.
I am (understandably I think) shocked she was still with us. Her books were an indelible part of growing up, particularly as I went to grade school just off the real Klickitat Street in Portland. Dear Mr. Henshaw was particularly important. Rest in Peace. I’m glad someone who gave so much of worth got to live so long.