
Something not mentioned that I would highly suggest is calling after a week and asking to speak to a manager. If he/she is put on the phone, mention that you dropped off an application a week ago and was hoping you could get an interview. A lot of the time, the manager might not be available when you call, so

I've been studying up on sleep. According to this article, sleep requirements really only vary slightly from person to person. Although quality is definitely important, most healthy adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. And the younger you are, you need more and more

Set up your alarm away from your bed (eg. on your computer on your desk) so that when it goes off in the morning, you literally have to get up to turn it off. This not only has solved that problem for me, but it makes waking up far more enjoyable, because I'm never battling with myself to get up. Once I'm standing,

My thoughts exactly. BigAeroMan cleared a few things up, but I'm still having some major trouble wrapping my brain around everything, including terminology. I was expecting a guide basic enough for beginners with little to no experience or understanding. The first lesson was fantastic, but every lesson becomes

All of your "Likes" are on the top right, just under your cover photo, next to Friends, Photos, and a Map of places you've been.

Last sentence under Shutter priority: "This is useful for photography sports, dance" should be "This is useful for *photographing sports, dance"

I don't know about "to a woman," but you took the words "blank palette" from my mouth. I think it's beautiful and the cleanness of the whole look is my dream living/workspace.

Second sentence: "There isn't going on" should be "There isn't *a lot going on." #corrections

Habit Streak. I use it every day, and I can't begin to tell you how much it has helped me keep committed with daily tasks.

Photography novice here, so I put together an outline of this post for my own future reference. It's focused on (and highlighted for) compact point-and-shoot or MISC/CSC/EVIL cameras, but I thought I'd share it. []

You don't even need an automator script to do this. Just right click on the desktop, Clean Up By -> Kind, and then you can highlight everything of one file type at once, easily. At a $2 price tag, I don't think it would be worth the money.

First sentence: "you now what happens" should be "you *know what happens"

You took the words from my mouth. Another vote here.

LH sure knows how to make an app sound appealing. But looking at an overall two-and-a-half-star rating — with 85 one-stars — on the App Store kind of kills any desire to spend money on it. It sounds like this new Growl does not work with most apps, according to the majority of the reviews. Are you sure that "most

(correction) First sentence: "We've discussed how you should keep your emailed organized and brief" should be "should keep your *emails organized and brief"

Zip ties are even easier to break out of, so there's no problem there.

That's what I use, as well. Never had even one problem with it. And it only costs $2.

And I thought I was the only one to like iTunes. You're spot on with my thoughts, every point you made. Playcounts too, as Lensflare said. Granted, I've been mainly using Spotify to listen to music lately, only because I'm usually listening to music I don't own yet. Otherwise, I stick with iTunes.

I've spent the past few days thoroughly researching money management software for my Mac on OS X Lion. After trying out 6 different programs and researching a ton of others, I've found that there isn't anything that matches up to the now extinct (on Lion) Quicken.