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Well, there’s two articles that Kotaku screwed up on. Putting out the “Anthem bricks PS4s” and having to walk that back pretty quickly was an error, but an understandable one. Felt like they pulled the trigger a bit quickly.

Honestly, I believe that empty feeling is because they designed a space to be a casino and were told 18 months before opening “No gambling. Build out our twice-nightly show, gift shop and buffet as much as you can, but if the budget or opening day change at all this project is no longer viable so don’t add anything we

oh he fucking would, wouldn’t he

Thank you so much for this wonderful review. I had no interest in playing Metal Gear Survive, and honestly still don’t. But this review is one of the few times I’ve thought a game journalist scratched the surface of examining games in the same way other “art” is analyzed.

As someone who has spent a fair number of years in the cleaning and janitorial fields, a store will typically be as clean as they are willing to pay for. Walmart is a extremely high traffic store (Most of the time) and this means that the idea of one or twice a day deep cleanings aren’t enough to keep the store

Nah, it’s pretty much right on time. Did some research a while ago and the average time to death for studios that EA acquires is around a decade, most falling within 8 to 12 years. Bioware is at 11 now, so they’re right on time


They’re drying out the boots.