It was Allison Williams! I remember because Mindy Kaling posted a picture on Instagram of her getting ice cream at the Friendly Store and I lost my mind.
It was Allison Williams! I remember because Mindy Kaling posted a picture on Instagram of her getting ice cream at the Friendly Store and I lost my mind.
Meeteetse. I’m calling it.
Just chillin’ in Chugwater.
Dude, I live in Wyoming. I’m from Wyoming. Wyoming is pretty fucking beautiful, and the air and stars are wonderful. I completely understand getting inspiration from all that shit.
I was raised in the UMC* in the Midwest. There is a huge schism regarding social issues with the church - liberal Yankees vs fundamentalist southern churches. Unfortunately for open-minded folk, the fundamentalists have the numbers, which equates to having the purse strings.
This is a VERY good dress. I love old fashioned glamor and Barb apparently has it!
What He Said: “I’m often asked how would Lyndon Johnson think about Donald Trump and I honestly feel that 36 would put his arm around 45 and earnestly wish him success. And he would also whisper in his ear something he said often, as a form of encouragement and a cautionary tale: ‘Just don’t piss in the soup that all…
Though I certainly understand why he chose not to, I honestly wish Biden had run- and please don’t take that as anti-Hillary, because I have a lot of faith in her. But I often think that Biden would not only wipe the floor with Trump, but do it in such an all encompassing policy and straight-talk smackdown way that…
Um, I’ll be the asshole: that was terrible. Are we listening to the same thing? It was so blah— totally the antithesis of the original (or even a good local production).
People in North Carolina are literally drowning right now and they’re talking about Caitlin Jenner and what shower she’d use?
He acted like a doped up circus bear. Where do you find doped up circus bears? Russia. It all fits.
So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?
In response to Michelle’s comments, Melania Trump said, “Uh, no, not really. No, because you have to be in it, if you’re in it, and if you don’t agree you’d should have agreed before they ran. Bottom line is, if I didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run. So...I stand there proudly, and I…
It sounded like Willam.
Burlap Velour? Chiffon Jacquard? I know other parts of the English speaking world use Dimity as a name, so Dimity Georgette is the only plausible thing I can come up with. And yeah, that’s not great, and anything else is worse.
I had an elderly couple as neighbors when I was a kid who were named Milt and Betty. I’d go over and visit with them and Betty would show me her dolls in her huge doll collection and Milt would always give me either Double Mint or Juicy Fruit gum before I left so Milt is a sweet name to me.
Haha, thanks. I have a fondness for those names and their/our families hick roots.
My eyebrows will never recover from being a teen in the ‘00s.