
This is ridiculous.

I thought you were exaggerating, but then I realized it’s 50 years next month.

As admirably as the movies tried, I don’t think it’s possible to capture the same energy as the original show. So the choices are to either, 1) Leave the Muppets alone (preferable), or 2) Do something different with them. The last show tried 2, but I don’t know if shoehorning zany characters into an already tired

Those are actually the bathroom vents. You see...Wookies...I mean, in all reality it could use a few more vents.

He’s with Gandalf on a mission to destroy the last Horcrux in Narnia

No wonder those guys lost. With the blast shields down they couldn’t even see. How were they supposed to fight?

I disliked this film when I saw it on Saturday. Now, with some time to reflect, I’m really hating it. Who was Snoke? Fuck you, it doesn’t matter. Who’re Rey’s parents? Screw off, it’s irrelevant. Here’s some wacky hijinks at an interstellar casino, suck it up and enjoy that, you dipshit Star Wars fan.

I am honestly kind of sad the B-Wing didn’t come back for Last Jedi, but at least we got a completely new design in the Resistance Bomber instead. B-Wings are so cool.

Oh, crap! Lando is her dad?! Or is it Logray? Or maybe Lak Sivrak? No! It’s Lumpy! Rey is Chewie’s granddaughter! I don’t know how I didn’t see that from the get-go.

It’s less about the name and more about the font.

Honestly, Solo is the best and only title for the film. It also looks really cool in the Star Wars font.

Star Wars: The Handsome Menace

When Hanny Met Chewbaccy

Of all the amazing shots in the movie, one of my favorites was of the dog standing completely motionless, perfectly silhouetted in that hallway for what seemed like minutes even though it was probably only a couple seconds. Fantastic.

TrekMovie‘s article implies that there will be credits on the version that accompanies the episodes. Could be they left them off to avoid spoilers (i.e. so we wouldn’t know who’s sticking around past episodes 1-2).

I got chills. Though I think it would have worked better in night mode (black background)

Now playing

JUST in case, here’s the best one I could find that may ‘work’.

Now playing

Quick, let’s all watch Wanderers again!