I saw it when I was a kid and I didn’t like it cause I thought it was very downy. But just like Wes Anderson movies, I pretend I’m a big fan to impress the In crowd.
I saw it when I was a kid and I didn’t like it cause I thought it was very downy. But just like Wes Anderson movies, I pretend I’m a big fan to impress the In crowd.
Why are they using stainless steel again?
I bet the airlines are happy I don’t show up at all for my flight.
Dang! you couldn’t break this story last Tuesday or Wednesday morning before the Funeral for a Friend comic dropped?
I wonder if anyone in DC or Marvel are part of the screen writers union?
His strategy makes sense considering I find it a bit shocking now if a superhero movie doesn’t include at least two heroes in it. And Gunn’s work tends to skew towards a group of people/heroes working (reluctantly or otherwise) together.
It sounds like Twitter’s tactic is to delay, delay, delay until either A) they become profitable to pay their expense, B) maybe there will be a lawsuit, maybe there won’t in the future, C) they file for bankruptcy, or D) it’s the future new owner’s problem.
So the plane was overweight by more than a 1 ton (which sounds like a lot)?
Isn’t the State of Florida the lender of last resort? Socialized insurance for all!
I can’t believe this whole trial was about Call of Duty which if I’m honest, I can’t differentiate between that and Medal of Honor or Battlefield.
Nice!!! They are bringing back the lone highway!
I’ll wait till they make a larger version that’s to scale with the figures.
Snyder should have just shot his whole franchise at once like Lord of the Rings while Netflix is in the mood to give him all this money.
man, I would love to see them make the sphere “cloak” and then disappear.
Finally! an article that explains why the NSFW designation is bad for Reddit and why it was used in protest (as it can’t monetize due to the lack of ads shown). However, now I’m confused why they are in violation of the site-wide rules.
I didn’t realize they had a back-up sub. Or are we assuming that using off the shelf parts makes it easier and quicker to build a new sub.
Why would you buy a Maverick if not for the hybrid engine?
“The carrier estimates every 22 pounds of luggage it can remove from its New York-Tokyo route will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 16.5 pounds.”
Snake Eyes and his whole orbit of allies and villains are the only thing marketable in a live action GI Joe movie because if you take their scenes out then all that’s left is a generic army of men with different code names but wear the same uniform and uses the same weapons. If the studios try to make them true to…