Karl, you are aware of the type of people who would vote for Bernie Sanders? You’ve just done him a huge favor.
Karl, you are aware of the type of people who would vote for Bernie Sanders? You’ve just done him a huge favor.
If they do end up winning it all, it would be pretty sweet if they bolted a plexiglass display over it to protect the ball from the elements.
“How about a really frustratingly slow changeup? Or a slider that only breaks a little, but moves just late enough to miss the sweet spot of the bat? Pitches like those are to “stuff” as hand-eye coordination and endurance are to “athleticism”—they should count, but they don’t.”
See I don’t agree with this statement.…
There is something that is part of this that derives from toxic masculinity. The idea that a man derives his value, not from any inherent humanity, but from his ability to acquire objects, one of which is a woman, cuts across many different groups and its awful at the core.
From the start it reduces a human woman into…
He could have a chest injury. In which case the Colts are better off sitting him. I know there’s a whole pull through injury ethic but there’s a different between being in pain and being hurt. If its something that’s making him hesitant, that could become aggravated, or is restricting his motion then he’s not going to…
The Material looks like old-school, ‘90s era mesh too which makes it a pretty old jersey. Its probably an Eric Kramer which makes it nearly 20 years old. That was probably the jersey the guy had as a kid and now it lies abandoned like forgotten youth.
Exactly. Most of the time the flowers just end up wasted. The arranger put together the piece for that event. Unless they’re in some super expensive vase that has to be reused its best to take them home.
Neither one are kooks.
If you think about it so long as he’s able to communicate with his players and coaches its fine. Its possible he could be a decent coach. Possible.
I’m really curious what football would be like at all levels if there were no breaks at all. What if every play was run no huddle like it was a two minute drill with maybe a 20 second play clock? Would endurance suddenly become an important characteristic for players? Would the players then shrink in size so they…
There’s little in life sadder than self delusion and this app is a classic example. As lots of folks here have already pointed out, its nothing new because intra-social class dating is as old as western civilization itself. The whole start-up connection just helps to emphasize the often peculiarly American trait of…
Why the fuck is this woman an NFL cheerleader with those qualifications!
I’m somewhat jealous because he’s more comfortable both with himself and genital wise than I might ever be.
You know Milwaukee isn’t the only part of Wisconsin that has black people. Also nice try placing the blame for his own mistakes on Chicago-North. Much as you may not want to admit it Milwaukee is still Wisconsin.
To be fair, we have seen more than a few rebellions succeed just in the last five years. Between Kiev and the Arab Spring more than few governments, well armed ones, have been toppled by civilians.
Now its critical to note that the pattern that emerged is that protests lead to clashes which lead to armed insurgency.…
“This is what equality looks like. Sorry.”
I will always have a soft spot for her for giving the world this scene.
“In its absence, many young liberals might have confronted the George W. Bush years and engaged in actual political projects, like the campus left of the 1960s.”
You know we had millions of young people march against the Iraq Wars, elected a Democrat to the White House twice in which young people overwhelmingly voted…