
So continuing to pursue a publicly homophobic political stance protected children from being used as pawn in politics? How is continuing a ban on gay leader apolitical?

You’ve made the mistake of assuming that homophobia is apolitical when its the polar opposite. Making a public spectacle of who you don’t allow to be

Meant to say “there is a zero sum.”

Hot dog we have a wiener!

This also killed my interest in Peacekeeper Wars too.

The particular nature of inheritance laws has a lot to do with it as well. In a society where girls became part of their husbands family along with a dowry of land and/or cash, a family who had one generation with multiple female children and no surviving male heir could find itself extinct in short order. Even if a

Oh dear, please don’t make Harley stick with the Joker because he tortured her.

Aside from making their relationship even more toxic and abusive, it totally undercuts “Mad Love” in which its clear that she willingly fell for him.

Also a good idea but I like the interjection of after action voices much better and more in keeping with the spirit of the novel.

I think it goes without saying that if this:

Hey I hope it ends up working too.

Just browsing briefly through the reviews from Watchmen, there was criticism of the lack of emotional resonance, pacing problems, and stale performances by everyone not Jackie Earl Haley.

The overall vibe I get is that the main criticism of Watchmen was that it was less than the sum of its parts. Any given moment can

Oh I have no issue with iconic images in themselves. For example in Burton’s Batman, you had the Batplane against the full moon, forming the Batsignal.

My worry is in the pursuit of those images to the neglect of a coherent film.

Make no mistake, the trailer looks amazing. It looks like it has really fascinating

This is exactly what I am afraid of. Too much focus on recreating a panel by panel look of the comic strip without generating enough substance to go along with it.

It worked on 300 but didn’t do so well for Watchmen. I guess this is the third go round.

Now playing

My thoughts on this trailer and the attempt to synthesize a DC universe.

This is exceptionally well done. Yes its just part of a larger fight but its still a smashing blow.

I get the feeling Snyder is just effectually aping the best visual aspects of The Dark Knight Returns. Which is effectively what he did for 300 and Watchmen. Which worries me that he’s going to take a really interesting concept (Batman angry at Superman’s wanton collateral damage) and neglect it for comic-panel shots.

That might be the single most 2015 White Sox play of the 2015 White Sox season. #WhenDearGodWillItEnd

“One of these things is not like the other, one things just doesn’t belong.....”

Its not a coincidence that 5 of those flags are stark black, white, and red while 1 is a friendly rainbow. Hate groups don’t want to be your friend. They hate you. They want you to fear them so their flag is meant to be as intimidating and

My mistake. Add it to the list. The broader point is that in the late ‘90s we didn’t have Nic Cage: So in Need of Cash that He’ll Do Anything. We had Nic Cage: Legitimate Action Star.

Keep in mind this was the late ‘90s. Pre-National Treasure Nic Cage. Pre-Nic Cage Loses His Shit. This was The Rock, Bringing Out the Dead, and Gone in 60 Seconds portion of his career.

Go back and watch those movies and you can see how it really could have worked out well.

Not enough F-bombs.