Etienne Charles

Nooooo! So bad. I am the helmet enforcer. My kids wore brain buckets on their trikes. No bike helmets is my "don't be a judgey parent asshole" kryptonite. And while while texting!? I try so hard not be an ass about judging other parents but this one area where that goes out the window.

Gotcha. That makes way more sense. Thanks.

Totally agree. I don't get the healthy slice of the commentariat who gleefully mock the cognitively impaired.... while rabidly defending those who are under-endowed with attractiveness, physical/athletic ability, decision-making skills, psychological stability or any of a dozen other social assets.

Sales people can be ridiculous. My mom used to have to call the manager on salesgirls who felt comfortable saying that the item she was asking for was too expensive for her. "Do you have X?" "Yes, but it is really expensive." B/c you know, we are black, and we are all poor.

Just my experience, so please no flaming.

Douglas sort of implying that going down on Zeta-Jones GAVE him cancer before clarifying about HPV

Nail question: My nails keep peeling and breaking. In addition, my left ring finger has those orange(the fruit)-like pits. Anyone know of any good remedies? In keeping with the nail theme, I smashed my thumb with a car door last week and the nail is a very dark purple (trapped blood, very sexy) and is most likely

I read that she stuck a frozen hotdog in her hoo-ha, it broke off, and she had to go to the E.R. Also, that she had three quarts of baby batter pumped from her stomach. Total semen poisoning. Or was that Lady Gaga? I always get them confused.

My best friend, after having her first (a surprise) told me she was going to start trying for her second when the first was about a year or so. I BEGGED her to wait until the first was at least out of diapers, as I have a couple of younger siblings and vividly remember their terrible twos. She went ahead, got pregnant

I don't always have time to read links but I was (admittedly) curious about what could have gone wrong between Katy Perry and Rihanna. There's so much more context in the full quote, even though the Idolator itself seems to be trying to spin it as some sort of *cryptic* comment.

Ever tried throwing one of those chocolate Whips into the freezer? Pretty good stuff.

That's a tic tac