Etienne Charles

I don't know if it is the best option. But I have known too many pre-teen girls who have been pressured into sex-many times with older guys. More than were consenting to sex. I don't think the answer is for these girls to get pregnant... but some adult authority should know about the situation, you know?

I can understand 15 and up getting unrestricted access to birth control. Even maybe 14. High school age. I do not think unrestricted access for 11/12/13 years old is the greatest idea. My concern is that when girls are taking those pills that young that it might be an indication of statutory rape or incest or other

I agree.

I think this is a very unfortunate attitude. It seems like a lot of posts on have the attitude of "I am going to do what I want and if you have a problem with that, it is your fucking problem". But we live in a society. With social norms and we have to be somewhat respectful of others (even if there are people in

Good points. I do feel like as a society we could do more to be a bit more considerate when it comes to pretty blatant almost nudity like butt cleavege. But I can admit that it is a fine line between judging and slut shamming.

I am surprised that these restaurant owners did not have an option to have the episode not air considering that Ramsay quit.

I only took one internship for credit because I couldn't get my masters without it. I was on scholarship so I didn't end up paying for it. I just know there can be a conflict depending on the program of study to get both credit and pay for an internship. And some programs of study require internships for graduation.

I have had like 5 internships and all but one were paid for. I think some schools don't allow for internship for credit and for pay. I know my masters program would not allow pay if you took the internship for credit. Most internships in my field (library science) at least had a stipend. So, I think it depends on the

I can appreciate that. But I am a bit confused on whether the boss was touching her without consent or if the intern was just attracted to the boss.

Why didn't the intern file a sexual harassment complaint with HR or a police report for the unwanted touching?

I read that bit and while I agree, I think the Mindy character shouldn't have to be paired with an actor of a different race just because her preferences might be informed by society. I actually think it is a strong example for Mindy to be in an interracial relationship. I think staying genuine to the character is

That makes total sense. I was commenting from the assumption that exams, monnograms and blood work on a regular basis could be just as effective as surgery. I guess for her situation, it is not the case.

I just remember her being in more roles when she was younger as opposed to now. I am not saying her race doesn't play a factor. But for a few years, I remember her being almost an A list actress.

I don't really watch crime shows so I will have to take your word on Southland. I can totally believe that she has just gotten some bad parts.. but even Elementary is kind of bland, you know?

Why does she have to have a diverse "type"? If that is what the character is attracted to, that is what the character is attracted to.

I am really sorry to hear how much your friend and her family has suffered. I can appreciate that more drastic surgery would save a lot of heartache for women in a similar situation.

I agree. But I think that is an incorrect way of thinking. A woman can be assertive without being a bitch even if everyone looks at her assertiveness as bitchiness.

Ha! I live outside of DC now but I used to work and live in DC and would go on the metro (subway) daily for commuting. In the summer, I'd see women (and men!) wear super short shorts that when they would sit, at certain angles, their unmanned pubic hair could be seen.

It seems that only a few women in their 40's get roles in Hollywood. I think ageism is probably pretty heavy. Also, I remember her being in more roles when she was younger.

That doesn't look like Zooey Deschanel at all.