Etienne Charles

Woah. There is no reason for your nastiness. Take a step back.

I am not saying they shouldn't be held accountable. They need help and it seems they are getting it. But when you use labels like racist, often the conversation ends. And it isn't productive. The term racist has lost a lot of meaning much like the word feminist. It seems on the internet that a lot of commenters (not

I mean.. what do you want to do? Lock these girls up and throw away the key? Crucify them? Or have them get professional help and hope they understand the errors of their ways?

I think you are being a bit extremist. Teenagers need to be made aware of social norms and bad behavior, given help, and given a chance to change and be productive members of society. It is pretty sad just to label young girls racist and flame them. I hope they get the counseling they need and see how their actions

True. But I think it is a bit different with teens. They probably made the club up to get attention from their peers and their motivation might not have been out of hate, but attention seeking. I am not comfortable calling immature high school girls racist based solely on them acting incredibly stupid.

Eh.. I don't believe that the 15/16 year old girls are automatically racist. They are probably super sheltered and are reflecting the views in their community/homes, not necessarily mature enough to have informed views on race. Not that it is right that these girls made a white girl club, but counseling is a great way

Times have changed since the 90's though. And I am sure Disney is more sensitive to this. Having a movie that shows the context of a weapon is a bit different that having it plastered to t-shirts. The former sells while the later may be questionable.

I understand if they don't. Disney might think parents won't buy the stuff for their daughters if a bow and arrow or any other weapon is displayed on dresses or dolls or other little girl junk.

I don't see why this is a huge deal.. one is a computer generated image and the other is a 2-d animation. They look awfully similar to me.

Can we lay off Suri? She is 7. I am sure she has a bratty side just like any 7 year old girl.. but this constant media coverage over a little girl is disgusting.

I was at Walter Reed yesterday with my husband (active duty, but not wounded) and while I was in my appointment, my husband went out to a rooftop reflective garden. A woman gave my husband a shocked look because for a split second she thought my husband was prince harry due to the fact the my husband is hair twins

Maybe some pregnant women get tons of gifts at their baby showers and have huge wedding showers as well. But for the rest of us poor to regular ol' middle class folks, this isn't true. I am 33 weeks pregnant and have received no gifts yet and do not have a shower on the horizon. The people in our life just don't have

I don't see why this is wrong. A woman carries a child for almost 10 months (it isn't 9 months people!) and goes through an intense amount of pain for that and for labor. Then she has the difficult post-partum recovery. A gift to show the father's appreciation for her sacrifice is a nice idea, if poorly worded.

Jennifer Aniston is pushing 45. To conceive your first child at that age is pretty difficult, even with IVF. For some women, it isn't possible at all. I wish the tabloids would just leave her alone. Either she doesn't want to birth her own kids, she is having trouble conceiving or cannot conceive. Either way, weekly

I agree she hasn't been photographing well. But it seems Jezebel picks the absolute worse photos of her. I see neutral ones of her on like I am sure Jezebel knows it will bring page hits but it seems mean spirited to me.

My brother is an addict and he just has a whole bunch of enablers around him, including my mother who sees him as her 8 year old baby boy. Unfortunately for him, he is attractive and charming and worms his way out of situations instead of getting help. Just abstaining from drugs doesn't cure addiction. Hopefully

Why do Jez writers insist on posting the most unattractive pictures of Lindsey Lohan above any headline that involves her? Sure, she has seen better days during her more sober times but it seems to be unkind to poke fun at a troubled woman's looks.

I don't think the cut of Abercrombie's clothes are any different than American Eagle or other teen retailers. Sure some teenagers have adult bodies and have more filled in hips or breasts but for the most part, young teens are going to have a way different body shape than a grown adult and need smaller sizes.

I might stop reading Jezebel if they continue to document this young girl's spiral into mental illness. It really makes me sad not only for her but the fact that the media has this little empathy.

I think you are a bit offbase. A lot of underprivileged women, mostly immigrants: 1st and 2nd generation, are incredibly suspicious of doctors and trust a voice in the community over anything else. These are not women that will confidently go into Planned Parenthood. At least the centers I worked at, encouraged