Ethelred The Unready

Yes, Hannity is really providing a service to us all by taking his fan-base out of the general dating pool.

Yes, that's exactly the discussion we all should be having, about the effectiveness of torture, not its morality. That would cast doubts about the good intentions of patriots who are only concerned about America's security, and for that reason are willing to torture some people, which is a perfectly valid position,

Liberals are reasonable and fair people, you see? That's why they will condemn both Michael Moore, who was once mean to Charlton Heston, and his equivalent on right, Dinesh D'Souza , who argued that, is reelected, Obama will finally put his anti-colonialist agenda in practice, destroying America's power and paving

Gotta love the headline: "Tosser: Banana peel at Chappelle show was a joke". It still works outside of England, right?

Spin-off! Is there any word more thrilling to the human soul? Hi, I'm Troy McClure.
You may remember me from such TV spin-offs as Son of Sanford and Son and After Mannix.

Well, she is like a thousand years old, so it's even creepier.

Like Slurms McKenzie, he is partied out. All he wants is to stay home and rent videos and watch them with a few friends. Is that so much to ask?

Going Underground by The Jam

Can't believe I'm about to defend fuckin' Bill Maher, but here it goes.

To me that is the cleaning lady act is just radical performance art. By re-contextualizing the art piece as "thrash", the artist, in the role of "cleaning lady", puts into question the role of contemporary art as a commodity, in a thought provoking and sophisticated game that plays with our notions of value..etc.

Earlier this year:

God, that was cathartic.

Maxis, along with LucasArts, was to my teenage self what Double Fine is to me now. I would play anything they made and, even if the game didn't quite work, it would be at least interesting. What they done to both just breaks my heart.

Yes, and in the movie, the meaning of life can be found between her legs (by clicking on the link positioned there). Deep symbolism.

Though, in my experience, this has not improved my productivity, contrary to the movie. But I guess that changes if your boss (God ?) is paying for the cam-girl.

Zero Theorem is a great movie, a complex allegory that reveals a important, deep truth about the universe: if you work at home, you will end up watching a lot of internet porn. Also something about God, Teenage Jesus and the meaning of life.

The sad thing is, Anita could never make a video that could show the how pervasive misogyny is in the so-called "gamer" community as well as the insane reaction to her videos do. There are few things as pathetic as these man-children freaking out because they feel their "no-girls" clubhouse will no longer be.

Yeah, Terry Gilliam's movies are always interesting, even if they don't always work. The only exception seems to be The Brothers Grim. I would love to see what he could do with Avatar's budget.

Zero Theorem is a great movie, a complex allegory that reveals a important, deep truth about the universe: if you work at home, you will end up watching a lot of internet porn. Also something about God, Teenage Jesus and the meaning of life.