
Someone needs to revisit the pronouns in this piece. It’s totally confusing if the article is about one person or multiple persons having a problem. She, they, their, come on...lets write something legible, ok?

Angela Bassett is SIXTY-THREE.

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Mmmm yeah, I’m going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there Bob.

The Smash Mouth song “All Star,” one of the things the film is best known for,

I saw the trailer for the boxset last week and have to preorder. One of the movies included is Anchoress, it’s on BFI/Amazon Prime, sign up for the free trial and dump it quick because there’s nothing else there. But Anchoress really hits hard, I cannot wait to see the restored version. 

Why should we believe her?

If you have nothing intelligent to contribute, why bother commenting?

“I remembered at the time thinking, ‘This is a big, big mistake’ — not because of me, not because I wanted to come back. You don’t kill off the first Black woman to ever have a real role in a Star Wars movie. Like, are you fucking joking?”

I am sad I have but one star to give.

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Interviewed one of the talented film makers Pious Nyenyewa from Zimbabwe. Check out our interview below:

There seems to be a subset of fandom doing shipping that has turned super toxic in the past few years - just look at the Reylo shippers harassing people nonstop online, or the response when a fan of a show says “hey, your ship is cool so have fun, but it’s not canon” (no big fan of YNB, but she was harassed endlessly


I absolutely agree..I also think he was correct in saying that it wouldn't be right for things to frame them as potentially romantic to bait the gay fandom when the intention is simply a close male friendship, despite his stumbling thru the words to actually day it

She’s an outspoken woman with some good things to say. Haters gonna hate.

Watching and understanding are two very, very different things for some of the bloggers around here.

“Indiana Jones isn’t an unimpeachable action hero who always does the right thing and always has a perfect plan in his back pocket (like a James Bond or an Ethan Hunt)”

I know this site’s been trending this way for a while, but this week especially, it’s stopped feeling like an entertainment site, and started feeling like a visit to the morality police, so I might have remove to my bookmark and stop visiting for the first time since 2001. That’s okay! Things change. I guess I just

Kind of has a Strange Days vibe to it!

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I am all for game preservation and ROMS and access to games that companies no longer sell or do not seem to care about so you cannot access it through them. However, anyone trying to profit off of that content is no good and should be shut down. I understand needing to pay for hosting and storage (I am sure a billion