
Technically, what happened in Sabra and Shatila was that the Israelis did nothing to prevent (and a little to facilitate) genocidal acts by Lebanese Christian militias against the Muslim Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. The situation is more nuanced than “Israel has committed genocide before and is


being pro-Palestine is not equated with antisemitism”

i think that you’re reading the mood for something like this totally wrong

That’s what people said before Guardians of the Galaxy.

Yeah, not enough aloe on the planet to sooth that burn. . . . and look at Mary Pickford, who must be 125 years old, talkin’ shit.

Maybe some/most/all of them knew. Maybe not! And to be clear I’m not particularly broken up if Bradley Cooper misses out on $400,000 in back pay. I just don’t know why this relatively dry story about bankruptcy law is being framed as some sort of morality play in which Hollywood actors receive karmic retribution for

I expect there are people TWC owed money who never read the AV Club and whose existence also isn’t known to AVC. It’s a bit like the topic of contractors working on the Death Star, as discussed in Clerks (a Miramax acquisition!).

Marshal and Brooks are both brilliant in this scene.

You might think it unrealistic... however, my brother just went through his $100k inheritance in less than 6 months—gambling. He got himself in such a position that he is much worse off than before the money. He attempted suicide when the money ran out, and he’s currently in a psych ward. True, I could see it coming

Wow, it’s really really hard not to laugh at this. Soylent Green, you evil sonofabitch. Are you even people?

I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.

(yes, I’ll go there) Ishtar.

This feels a lot like... I said or did something inappropriate at a job, I got called into HR about it. I apologized. All parties accept that. The job continues until I eventually decide to leave. The job asks me to come back, but then suddenly says that due to this thing just under a quarter of my life ago that has

And I was so looking forward to Barrowman’s Big Finish.

The point is the same as all news wire articles these days: here is some vaguely notable news involving a person we like or hate, and if we like them, you go girl! and if we don’t like them, here are fifty overwritten sentences cataloguing all their crimes against morality and decency and virtue, smushed and contorted

Or a snide neckbeard erasing Marti Noxon’s and Jane Espenson’s and SMG’s and Alyson Hannigan’s and Emma Caulfield’s and Charisma Carpenter’s work, by pretending that Buffy wasn’t fucking phenomenal?

Okay, so let me see if I understand.

She’s an engaging actor, and she looks like she hasn’t aged a day since her TNG escapades... Wonder if she has a Scottish candle or oil panting in her home?

In their defense, he did do that.