“... with Lang himself consulting as one of the executive producers.”
“... with Lang himself consulting as one of the executive producers.”
The soil is nurtured by the dead dreams of its residents.
First goddamn laugh I’ve had in months, take your damn star.
Where are those silos of popcorn kernels? Nowhere near the wild fires I hope.
Snyder’s Watchmen is actually an example of someone who clearly knows and loves the source material, but is too dumb to understand it.
Well I would think Mr. Fisher MADE it our business with all the public twittering about it.
Ray Fisher gave up that argument when he aired out his grievances on social media, a public platform, in order to sway public opinion. It is reasonable to ask for receipts at this point.
Yeah, and that’s the big problem is that Fisher’s accusations about Whedon being “abusive” (which I’ve only placed in quotes because he has yet to actually elaborate on what that abuse entailed) are kind of low hanging fruit given Whedon’s current reputation.
“I can easily believe that Whedon is a douchebag”
I don’t think the screenshot of an e-mail basically saying he hung up on the investigator without discussing any details is quite the proof of willing cooperation that he thinks it is.
Nobody’s corroborated his story. I almost feel bad about saying this, but I just don’t believe the guy. His proof, at least to me, just seems to confirm that no, he didn’t cooperate with the investigation. If he didn’t know to have legal counsel on stand-by to begin with then that’s just dumb on his part. The…
Yeah, I’m not gonna lie. this explains why he’s been so hesitant to specify what Whedon did. Not to say Whedon isn’t an asshole and a piece of shit in regards to his personal life, but Fisher’s accusations look really flimsy if you refuse to meet with the third party investigator he wholeheartedly approved of.
The least well-known actor in the movie playing the least well-known Justice League hero got mad because they didn’t accept his script revisions? If only this wasn’t so predictable when he was completely unwilling to share any details about his allegations.
To be fair, they did hire women, but Emile Hirsch kept strangling them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s an example of a sadly prevalent phenomenon where the Twitter reaction to the first trailer still dictates the perception of a movie years after it came out and much of that criticism proved to be unfounded.
The Chronicles of Prydain deserve so much better.
The Great Wall didn’t have white-washing. I do not know why that falsehood is still spread.
Just watching the reaction videos to the portals scene in Endgame and how crazy the crowds went when he walked out. Obviously when they wrote the film they had no idea how popular his character would be but when they came to edit it they knew exactly who should appear first.
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