
Does Gia’s new movie star a bunch of celebrities’ kids? Because the funniest thing about her last movie was how it was Francis Ford Coppola’s granddaughter making a film starring Julia Roberts’ niece and Val Kilmer’s son... plus assistance from at least four other Coppolas in the cast and crew.

The three battles picked are great ones.

Yeah, this is the first time I'm hearing about this series and I'm just... Why? We really don't need that movie turned into an ongoing series.

Storm of the Century was the first thing I took note of him in, so it's neat to hear him call it a game changer for his career. It wasn't a great movie, but he was certainly great in it. I can still remember his repeated line, "Give me what I want, and I'll go away."

I do this almost every month, so why stop now? Throwing in a plug for Criterion Channel, which is my favorite streaming service and has lots of great options the major services don’t.

Haven’t seen Nomadland yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so. Zhao’s Songs My Brothers Taught Me and The Rider were both fantastic films. She’s a wonderful director.

Aside from the other stuff you mentioned about it, it’s also worth noting that Danger: Diabolik is on director Edgar Wright’s list of his favorite 1,000 movies. So it’s definitely not all bad!

I’m not a big fan of most of Aja's output, but I did find Horns pretty entertaining.

I can appreciate a good recognitions dunk as much as the next pseudonymous commenter, but I'd like to think we can all take a firm stance on "no, this guy doesn't deserve a TV show to talk about how being gay made him stalk women."

“It’s hard for me to articulate exactly what my emotions were and going through that relationship with her was, because I obviously had an internal fight going on,”

I don’t like it as much as Tarkovsky’s film, but I don’t hate it. It’s very nice to look at and the whole cast gives great performances.

I can rewatch it an infinite number of times because it's so visually and musically beautiful.

“...why haven’t there been any big-screen adaptations of any of Lem’s other works?”

Then hush.”

Watts is wonderful, but I don’t know. Not every foreign language film needs an English language remake. I’m not going to say it should never be done, because sure, sometimes the remake can add something original in the translation (look at, say, The Birdcage). But this doesn’t strike me as a film that would benefit

I’m happy to see President Xi announcing support for the LGBT community, hopefully it results in some policy changes.

I don’t intend this as a criticism, but I do wish these columns focused on some of the streaming services beyond the big ones (Disney +, HBO, Amazon, Netflix, etc.). Some of the more niche services feature some really underrated sci-fi and fantasy stuff.

Sounds like I found another film for me for the 52 Films By Women challenge this year!

I did specify leaving with bad blood, which was why I left out Derrickson. His departure remains quite amicable, by all accounts. He’s commented several times that he approves of the hiring of Raimi as director, and Derrickson is still being credited as executive producer on the film. (also, according to his

I thought Skogland was a surprising choice when she was hired, because I’d only seen two of her films (Children of the Corn 666 and Riverworld), and neither were, well... Anyway, I’d also seen an episode here and there that she’s directed, and some of those were pretty good (the episode of Punisher she directed was a