
I remain dumbfounded that Trump’s contribution in America’s descent into a fascist kleptocracy isn’t due to an elaborate scheme on his part, but simply the uncontrollable reaction of a fragile man-child’s pitiable fragile ego. A milk-coddled poor little rich boy accusing a civil rights warrior as only talk works out

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

15 years ago, I lived in Italy for some time, and I used to laugh and laugh when I read about the exploits of their then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi; a businessman who gained power by spouting nationalist rhetoric. He then proceeded to illegally enrich himself and his cronies while decreasing the power of the

This has been the GOP strategy for a long time. Make the government as inefficient and incompetent as possible and then use that as an excuse to lower taxes for the rich because “See government can’t do anything well!”

I’m fairly confident that his replacement will be terrific. You’re gonna love him. You have to love that Trump says what’s on his mind and that he’s going to make America great again. Don’t believe him? His hat says so.

Soaked in dread and sarcasm.

Americans will vote for any dumbshit who weeps for those poor dead babies, shucks.

Hitler “worked” for a while before people realized it ultimately lead to ruin. In the short term Hitler was great for the German economy, but let’s not forget why his thousand-year Reich lasted only 12.

...and Sanders has resorted to gimmicks to try and stay relevant...

How is bringing in a visual to present information a gimmick? Bernie is more relevant now than he ever has been before, no matter what the DNC wants you to believe.

sanders is more relevant now than ever and is doing much more (at least publicly) to stand against trump than any other senator