
As far as I know, 1.5 million, plus another million downloads when it went F2P. Not counting the shitload of DLC.

I knew you would try that despicable garbage.

Does it really come as a surprise? The release announcement clearly shows that they are wary of anything “Sexy” and to avoid all the negative rebuffs medias and the like have with games like these that they opted to not even waste any time on the region that is very sensitive to that issue.

Really? Is it that unfair

I sure hope the people who rally against these types of portrayals of women don’t go to a real beach ever.

This game has scantly clad women and displays sexuality? BAN IT!

> (I’ve been called a “social justice warrior” many times, a label I’ve never shied away from. I’m not going to apologize for going to bat for marginalized groups.)

Just use the coloreds only bathroom, what’s the big deal?

“I’ve been called a “social justice warrior” many times, a label I’ve never shied away from. I’m not going to apologize for going to bat for marginalized groups”

I totally get why Hunie pop developer will not speak to Kotaku since Kotaku is beside Polygon Nr.1 on their hate list.

Just because the CM’s response was in broken English doesn’t mean it isn’t absolutely clear what he’s saying here. You and I both know that he’s speaking directly to the fact that there would be western “outrage” at the portrayal of these women in the game, and they aren’t releasing it because there’s this whole

LOL... awesome. I don’t blame them for not wanting to enter into the “Gamergate” atmosphere over here. It’s like walking into a feminist rally as a pornography director... yeah... it’s not a match so to speak.

One day, when we can both recognize our crappy treatment of women in games and life at large while

2015 man...

Now playing

The US can’t even handle a bikini, why do you think Nintendo keeps rubbing one them out and pretend it wasn’t in the game. That or replace ONE fanservice with another to avoid bad publicity.

I have had multiple accounts, on kotaku, banned debating this issue and calling out the “White Knights” and the bull they pretend to champion, anyone remember Dragon’s Crown? It totally makes sense for a Japanese company to be afraid of getting bad publicity because of US “sensitivities”. It’s sad really that it won’t

You “should” feel ashamed to be labeled a Social Justice Warrior.

Your ideology is Neo-Puritanism, and for the most part condescending to the people you claim to support.

Also I’d like to note that I’m not a fan of DoA, or the volleyball spin-off, but if they sell, they fuckin’ sell. Deal with it. You can’t be mad at a developer for selling something that makes millions, but being mad at the people who are buying it makes less sense, because we’re entitled to our own tastes and

Well it seems obvious why Koei Tecmo isn’t releasing it here. The culture war has made it to video games here, it’s not going away, and it isn’t pretty. So you take a game like DOAX3, which is basically fanservice, and the amount of temporary online outrage and endless thinkpieces about whether fanservice like this is

It makes sense that they could be scared about bringing it to the west, not just only because SJWs reaction (and obvious Gamergate shit storm that would come after) but also because the whole media (outside videogame’s media) would jump fast to point and yell about the game. Plus, as it happened with Illusion’s sex

It’s very niave to think that if the game did come out, that there wouldn’t be a push back from the likes of Kotaku and polygon in its clearly suggestive content. All it would take is one article from the handful of professional victims and there would be 50 articles with in a day up on how the industry needs to grow

Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.