Ethan Z

As awesome as the car’s acceleration aside it also points out the key factor of being aware of your surroundings while driving, including what’s behind you.

Despite having to be that guy, I disagree with the inferred notion that the 2CV was not sophisticated.

So that would mean Ford is responsible for all those cars and coffee crashes?

You shut your whorish mouth!

I mean, you can hate Trump and not dehumanize his wife.

but he has every right to? he (probably purposely) lives in a neighborhood with no HOA for the very reason of being able to do this. it’s a trailer.

Must be really boring with Gawker in the ground.

“For legal reasons, we think the Reliant Robin is a wonderful car that always stays upright.”

Toyota: “Wow the Amazon team working on the Grand Tour actually want to use the Prius for promotions! Awesome! Give them like 10! We’re so glad the boys changed their minds on these! Everyone loves em!”

“Kindly Fuck Off”

Elon, repeat after me: “This was a tragic event. We take every design measure possible to minimize danger to passengers, bystanders, and first responders in the event of a collision. Unfortunately no vehicle can be made 100% safe, although that will forever be our goal.”

Off-topic: whenever I see the word “glass” repeated frequently, I can’t help but think of the slang term for meth:

whats to defend? he blew up his own house after getting permission..

I live in the Silicon Valley and do a fair amount of traveling every year. It’s fair to say we are used to a large number of cultures and I’d like to believe I can be very tolerable of other cultures and practices. However, even my Chinese friends/coworkers admit, Chinese tourists are the worst when it comes to

His articles are excellent.

flush and fill all fluids,

Hey you found David’s next jeep for his fleet!

It’s still there ain’t it? That’s proof it can hold up against water.

They forgot to waterproof this one.

spat my tea out over that. you couldn’t program something that funny.