Ethan Z

I love watching To Catch a Predator and seeing people use excuses like “Yeah I just drove 2 hours to get to this house so I could tell her not to do this stuff. The condoms and wine coolers are for me, I like drinking out of condoms, it’s a free country.

What, I regularly discuss serious felonies with strangers online and then arrange meetings to see if they’re actually criminals. Doesn’t everyone?

He showed up to see if it was true

I did send them an email, except it came out less like a sincere request and more like I typed “fuck you Ford” about 100 times before sending it.

FiSTs are probably the most popular single new car in the comments.

Pretty much. And how many Jalopnik editors bought the last Fiesta ST? Zero? One?

I turned DRLs off on my Phaeton so I’m not burning hours off my D1S bulbs for no reason.

One day when R34s are actually legal, we will look back and laugh at all the insane shit people had to do to own them. Or cry.

“...bland crossovers allow enthusiast cars to exist.”

My only quibble with your comment is that Mother Theresa IS ALSO an asshole LOL But yes this is entirely spot on. Elon Musk is amazing.

I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.

Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.

Honestly it’s buyer beware at this point.

Is that really such a mystery to you? The car rolled for 150 feet and then burst into an inferno that lasted 5 days.

I believe the explanation is that they were irreparably damaged in the fire?

the answer is they’re better than you and are actually out there doing shit, instead of sitting on their asses shitposting.

They’re always going to get scuffed on the walls over time. Also it looks like this is a personal car used for training and practicing. No need to keep it pretty. It’s a tool.

Where’s the banhammer when you need it?

I’m sure your super-impressive car collection is fully insured, right bro?

Intensa Emozione? Come on, you’re not even trying now. I know it’s actual Italian, but it sounds like they just picked some kinda-italian sounding suffixes and ran with it.