
yes. hot weather, slow roads, unreliable electricity, etc. favor canned goods, so eventually it becomes “traditional.”  i assume the same thing happened with spam in hawaii.

Is it a staple in hot climates because it’s shelf stable?

However, Brave’s real claim to fame is how it snuffs out ads and replaces them with its own.

Yeah the gif thing is settled, it’s a hard G. No one gives a shit what the inventor thinks, because language is not static and changes.

You had me until gif and mischievous. Gif is like gift, but without the t. It doesn’t sound like peanut butter. Mischievous has an extra hidden syllable... like the British pronunciation of aluminum

The World Health Organization is using the nose emoji in official communications about a deadly, potentially pandemic disease. What a time to be alive...

I don't think you read the last paragraph nor the corresponding links.

Best investment I ever made was an industrial meat slicer I got at a garage sale for $50. Nothing is nicer than thin-thin cut meat.

“Sept. 14 flight which departed from Birmingham, Ala” was all the information needed. You know dem southerners were just itchin’ to nail some terries around 9/11

I dunno, I would think if you’re one of the people with the wireless charging AirPod case and/or a smartwatch with wireless charging, the reverse wireless charging can come in handy. Hypothetical, but I went traveling recently and only brought the charger for my S9, leaving my watch to slowly die over time. If I had

The lack of the fingerprint scanner/home button has given me the most pause when considering replacing my stuff. I know if I used a phone/ipad without a button for a bit I’d get used to it, but change is scary at my age. I gotta approach with caution.

I have to give Google credit, six years is probably the longest time Google has supported a hardware product. Hell, longer than some software products too.

I was a day-one adopter of the Chromecast and snagged it for $11 if you factor in the 3 months of free Netflix. It’s served me well for its exact purpose: non-technical household members and visitors can fling youtube videos/pandora stations/whatever at our stereo from their phones or laptops with no setup. The whole

You’re right. My Note 9 literally disintegrated as though Thanos were involved precisely 180 days after buying it. You, good sir, are clearly wise beyond measure. Thank you for these pearls.

I really need to start remembering that I live less than 2 hours away and could easily just GO to one of the launches.  I’ve got a KSC annual pass, too, so it’d only cost me the gas.

My vote? Time-traveling tourists. Sightings are increasing because we’re getting closer to WWIII, a popular destination in time for history buffs.

The combination of miltiple incidents, multiple witnesses and multiple platform’s (air and surface ship) Radar, IR and visual detection makes them pretty damn physically real, not a cloud, sundog, glare, etc.

Thanks for scrolling to the bottom of the page! Next time please read the article while you do it. You might learn something.

This will never be seen because I’m in the grays, but the problem with articles like this is everyone that responds confuses the idea between the concept of a go bag (like you talk about) and preparing for full-on SHTF mode. I kind of blame it on our current mania for apocalyptic media and survivalists. Combine that